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Am I Different Or Just Special?

Saw on the beeb website that they have been doing blogger awards today. Rather hoped I had sneaked off with 'most promising newcomer' or even 'evil twin' award, but even JKRowling was unrecognised at first, I suppose. Must read a few of the winning ones to make sure I'm hip to the beat and noone's nicking my ideas.. :P Plan B is ready to be activated - spent the day spying on the lounge lizard whilst ostensibly working across the room under extreme pressure, no time for chat. I cannot believe how little work this person does, and how noone else seems to notice, it really is an art-form worth intensive study. Perhaps people would pay me to research this office phenomenon. Is it called lazy-arse-itis? Blu-tack is now 'available to order only through the accounts section'. Hmm... necessity is the mother of invention so I'm told....must give this next stage some creative thought!


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