40love Final Set 6-0 6-0 6-0
My petty war is almost over, I have caught lounge lizard with pants down twice now - I feel thats as good a result as it gets. I'm putting in my resignation tommorrow as I've been made an offer I can't refuse. I'd like to say I've been headhunted but it sounds a bit needy and gorblimey loadsadosh chav thing to blag about. Like wearing everything burberry and not seeing the social problem. Posh Spice can't cook - shock horror.I haven't decided on what form the dobbing in of said LL should take during the exit interview - should I do it 'in-your-face' style and risk it being dismissed as sour grapes, disgruntled soon-to-be ex-employee cack, or should I just plant the seed so extraordinarily ginormous you'd have to be a 2 year old to miss the implications? Answers on a postcard pls..! Not.Still have my major worry in the background, but I cant do anything about that at the moment. Life is what happens to you...etc etc etc aint THAT the trooth.
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