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Compassion Fatigue



How sad am I? Cant even bring myself to read the thread on 'cure for cancer' on these very forums. I know too much, you see. A violent unthinking, unreasoning rage is within me, close to the surface, bubbling away unseen like a hideous jurassic carnivore who hasn't had any dinner - sort of like the Sweeney! So I dont look. I promised myself I'd never sucumb to extremes of emotion, believing that it would only damage me in the end - but I can put up with a bit of crumbling at the corners these days, I find!'things' as they say, are going well. Just my soul crying out in the wilderness, I guess. Not sure if 'beer' will help, but its a start.I've been taking lessons in wig cleaning, if any further ventures into the surreal are required. It's more complex than you know....! or indeed, want to.Some rellies want to come and visit us - that must take the prize for insensitivity so far this year. I've not even done the nicey nicey let down. Just say no, as the song said all those years ago. result = affronted rellies. bleh! :rolleyes:


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