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And Finally...almost



I'm starting to feel very self conscious about me blog. It was ok before when I knew it was just me and a couple of others reading my stuff. Now I'm feeling a bit exposed. What if someone puts 2 and 2 together and works it out? Not worried for my sake, just my child who has enough to deal with. You might think I have more important things to worry about - and smartypants, yes indeed I do - however some things are beyond my control, outwith the domestic circle etc etc and therefore, in this woman's army aint worth spending too much time worrying over...so I worry about the small things... like how a country like America cannot deal with what happened in Newarlins? For heaven's sake Dubya give the job to a woman - we know about clearing up mess!You know when you watch these documentaries about people surmounting terrific odds and then at the end it says.."sadly, Mr Brown died 2 weeks after filming.." and you turn to your fellow viewer and smirk... Things are going well, but I, unlike Mr Brown, am attempting to avoid the notice of the hand of fate at present by keeping head well down and not starring in anything of note.I will have to get out more, take up a sport or hobby and live a normal life at some point. This year is on hold, sad to say.....


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