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Caravanners Monthly

I read something recently that went something like you are supposed to slide into your grave having lived life to the full, martini in one hand chocolate in the other, shouting 'what a ride!' I feel that I could paraphrase that slightly into how I feel about this year. It feels like it was only last week when I started this blog as a bit of fun and what a journey it has turned out to be, me and my voices..! I read it all the other night when feeling tearful and bleary-eyed in drink. I'm suprised someone hasn't put me out of my misery, or at the very least offered counselling. Thank you to everyone who emailed me their version of counselling!


Well, we're back. Fingers crossed and its all over. Bar a scan in the new year and a trip to Liverpool for a once over. Clatterbridge, for those of you fortunate enough to know only the name, is quite a wierd place. The campus itself is old - parking is a nightmare like hospitals everywhere, but where you go for radiotherapy is a building put up in 2003 much like new Nobles in style - light, spaceous, airy, pastels and art everywhere, but should you have to go out of the state of the art section, for something like a blood test or to visit the pharmacy, you come across 60s hospital architecture and it would be no surprise at all to be faced with Hattie Jacques come sweeping round the corner like a galleon in full sail! AND who is it that buys 'caravanners monthly' and leaves them in hospital waiting rooms????!!! It is not funny! And if I ever in my life see another copy of 'lancashire life' I simply cannot be held responsible for my actions. Seriously. So I went out and bought hello, ok and heat all with lurid photos on the front and left them to spice up someone's day. You see everyone who is there is there for a programme of 2,3,4,5+ weeks and the same magazines do the rounds until someone new turns up...


It's a little too raw to talk about at present, because I'm out of practice at this and fearful of boring everyone, whereas before I couldn't give a monkey's. At one point we were gargling with panadol in order to get any food down at all, it wasn't nice. I dont want to eat ice cream ever again, or scrambled eggs. or spagetti hoops.... And the shame of getting lost on the motorway back from Lancaster is something I may - or may not - wish to share with you at some future point! It was filthy weather actually.. :rolleyes:


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I take it that :) is in order.


For what it is worth . . . I've been with you on yer blog, all the way.



me too - i do feel like i'm being a snoop sometimes, but i do hope you have all past the worst and things get rosey for you - big smile to you :D

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