New Year New Life
I fizzed all the way through the festive celebrations. I decided to start early at about lunchtime on Christmas Eve and slowly but steadily worked up to the big champagne-fest that is New Year. I am pleased to say I did not get out of my jim jams all day on New Years day, spending most of it under the duvet with a very bad case of dehydration. I danced my way into 2006 and although I felt awful, at least my body didn't ache - so the gym visits must be doing me some good. We intended to have a quiet new year, but after the 30th person rang the doorbell demanding entry, we gave up and got down to some serious partying. At least, I think we did. I seem to remember telling someone I was going to write a raunchy rock song for them, apparently its going to be about the delights of an older woman as opposed to jailbait!!...the less said about that the better! I may be old and fat, but I am an old and fat WORD WARRIOR! (what rhymes with jail bait...hmmmmm?)
Went to the hospital twice this week for a semi final check-up. It's funny how many ways a doctor can find to say how well he thinks you're doing without actually saying it! We know that he would be a total idiot if he were to say 'you're cured, now bugger off' - but it was fairly good news. Fingers crossed etc, white rabbits - you know the drill by now! We go to Liverpool on Monday to see the specialists and see what they make of the last scan. Armed with questions about the future. I'm starting to covet the 'footballer's wife' wig. It may be a further sign of stress - at least its me and not my main man! Whatever. So, still in limbo, but the light at the end of the tunnel does not appear - at this time - to be another train...allegedly...possibly...maybe.
Came home after the second visit and slept for England at Olympic Gold Standard. So Stressed out.
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