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Reasons To Be Cheerful

After much blood taking and scanning and the like, we hardly had time to sit down in the professor's side-kick's office to be told, no more drugs, no more poking, not more bloods, everything has gone and is going to plan, come back in a month. I felt more than heard the 'now bugger off'! I felt somewhat agrieved at not getting a fanfare and at least a round of applause.....and then belatedly remembered the time they spent with us when we were terrified and liable to lash out at anyone, from the prof down, they had time and to spare for us because we needed it. And now we dont.


It's a bit daunting getting your head round being able to get an appointment at the doctors 24/7 and now back to being normal again. Well nearly anyway. My beautiful, wonderful, simply gorgeous child has passed through the fire of this dreadful disease and come out the other side whole. I know that - so far - the luck has held. I know how lucky we are. I've spent time on my knees thanking everyone, vegetable and/or mineral, ghost, trinity or otherwise for this. I thank this blog for giving me the opportunity to moan and mock, I am certain I could not have survived without it, venting emotional pressure doesn't sound too romantic, but thats what it has done for me. (eew)


If it comes back, it is more likely to do so in the first year. So this can never be the all clear. Ever. But I will try to find things to write about in my blog which make me feel happy.


Like my raunchy rock lyrics I'm writing.... :D


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