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Ebay And Other Vices

I've not written for a while, been hanging around with my pal ebay. Doesn't ask anything from me, I can wander through the most amazing shops becoming increasingly smug that however wierd I may be or people may think I am - there are still several layers between me and double ended rubber cod pieces in dayglo orange with furry tassels. Ok I made that one up, but I bet if I looked for them..! I've started going to the 'buy' page and surfing the shops on the 'most bookmarked' list. I try to guess what they're selling before the page opens. Obviously you dont do this with the 'sinfully wicked undies' shop. Although some people in my office ONLY perv through these pages...some of them are men. It's painless and I spend very little money.


I was trying for streetcred for my boy and get him the latest cd by the tidy boys, unable to get it on play.com so I finally tracked down the website for the label and got knocked back twice when I tried to purchase said item for 15 quid. So my pal ebay came up trumps and I bought it for 7 last night. Dont say I didn't try.


I am ashamed to say that I may have done something girlee to my new in-car cd player. I'm almost too embarassed to go to the garage and tell the nice man that I've somehow stuffed my new Enya cd between the unit itself and the hole it sits in. And I DID NOT SHOVE IT IN - alright?!! Oh the shame. Cant even blame the children this time. Did I tell you I got a bear and a bunny with my cdplayer that do stuff together in an advert on MTV? I think I did. Gave them away in the end, steaming up the back window.


As for the ex-patient, now suffering from feeling like being sunburnt but no soreness or redness. Really wierd. Lush do a really good creme which works a treat. Phantom sunburn - spooky.


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