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Where We Live



Raise the age to buy cigarettes to 18. Lower the voting age to 16

BUT you can't be given advice about homosexuality in school, oh no...

an irony to savour fully if it wasn't such a serious issue.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch... number 1 son is now giving us grief about how he felt left out and not considered in any way shape or form last year. Kids, eh?! You just cannot win. I may just lie down in a darkened room and scream and scream till I'm sick. Never expect to be allowed a moment's respite to get your loins re-girded, because we're off again but this time visiting the joys of testosterone city. Its not pretty and your kids always know exactly which buttons to press to cut your guts so they spill out over the floor as they step on you going out the door...


Perhaps I should have stayed single, I was happy then..I think... such a long time ago.


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