Because I'm feeling pessimistic at the moment, and because my family is not very long lived, I've been making up a shoe-box of memories for each of my children for that day when I'm gone for good or they reach 21 whichever is the sooner. It's serving 2 purposes, I can indulge in a bit of the blues without too much guilt, and also I can hoik out stuff the kids would need to ask me that only your parents would know - eg: did I have chicken pox as a child, what time was I born and tons of other child/parent stuff etc? A few baby things which I've kept - although no first teeth or anything gory like placenta (not that much of an earthmother!) - its surprising how much of a memory a photograph can hold. You can look at yourself in a photo taken 10, 20, 25 years ago and remember how you felt, sometimes you can remember photos being taken. It's quite a trip down memory lane. Not quite as hazy as you would like sometimes! Was I really THAT thin? What on EARTH am I wearing?! My God! Big Hair and lycra pants! And enormous glasses...yeah baby!I've photos taken after the birth of both children and the bags under my eyes have their own bags - but I remember triumph not fatigue, strangely enough.
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