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Tuned In And Dropped Out



Kids bought me 2 mothers day prezzies - IN with the good air...MIL didn't outstay her welcome - OUT with the baaad....Did a good deed for a neighbour - In with the good air....Tried out my crystal glasses - resolve to use them often. In fact, I'm going to use my nice things more often, whats the point in having lovely things if you never use them? You end up hoarding them without delighting in them for their own sake. Aside from which these glasses can take almost a 3rd of a bottle of wine, no messing...Did a hard day's work today, lounge lizard is clearly feeling the first nervous inklings of defeat and has spent the day popping in to my office unexpectedly with little jobs and queries. I'm so far ahead of you Mr Brown-nose, you have no idea. Manic laughter echoing down draughty halls as I stride along with torch flaring in the high winds of my passage....more happy pills I feel B)


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