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Lost In Translation (part Errrrr Lots)


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What shows the authors to be totally stupid is that a person asking for a translation (meaning they are not fluent in the language in the first place) is given an answer in the language they are obviously not fluent in and are bound to fail. I am sure the welsh speaking people in that country had a good laugh, but the last laugh is on them as it shows their total lack of logic and understanding of their role in society. If they could read the rather long "Sorry, I'm out of the office" over complicated answer theyt wouldn't need a bloody translater to write "Big lorries, Fuck off somewhere else" would they. Cocks.

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What shows the authors to be totally stupid is that a person asking for a translation (meaning they are not fluent in the language in the first place) is given an answer in the language they are obviously not fluent in and are bound to fail. I am sure the welsh speaking people in that country had a good laugh, but the last laugh is on them as it shows their total lack of logic and understanding of their role in society. If they could read the rather long "Sorry, I'm out of the office" over complicated answer theyt wouldn't need a bloody translater to write "Big lorries, Fuck off somewhere else" would they. Cocks.


They're Welsh, remember.



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Wenn sie das ziemlich lange " lesen konnten; Traurig, I' m aus dem office" heraus; über schwieriger Antwort sie wouldn' t-Notwendigkeit ein blutiger Übersetzer, " zu schreiben; Große Lastwagen, hauen irgendwo else" ab; wurden sie.

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It is a quote from Ovid, written after he had been exiled from Rome to Tomis, A Greek colony on the banks of the Black Sea, in what is now Rumania. Ovid had been a renowned man of words in Rome, and the most celebrated poet of his day. He found that his eloquence in Latin didn't count for much in his new home - the locals spoke Scythian. He laments that until he could learn to articulate himself in their language he would be considered an uneducated clod;


Suggested translation:


Here I am the barbarian, for nobody understands me.


To his credit, Ovid did eventually master Scythian and even compsed poetry in it.

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And his auto out-of-office reply was?


ibi est a navir in oriens




do you mean 'illic est a navis in oriens'


I was never given a classical Latin education. Thought it could be either ibi or illic. I sit corrected if wrong. Mea culpa and all that.

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