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  1. Again, you are conflating Labour = Left. This is a falsehood. Yes they are "left" of the Tories, but I am talking actual lefties, not red tie Tories.
  2. Or is it more likely that you can't because no-one in a prominent left leaning political position would vote for such an act of self harm? If there was any, Leavers would be holding them up as some sort of magical shield against the general consensus that Brexit had a lot of right wing bias (and lies) behind it. But there aren't, so they can't.
  3. I'm still waiting for that list of prominent left leaning MPs that voted for Leave.
  4. BS. Israel did not need to murder civilians in the tens of thousands and you know it. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn5wel11pgdo
  5. No, presumably we can't.
  6. After a very quick and certainly not that comprehensive search on the interwebs, I can't find any source that says categorically that Corbyn did in fact vote to leave. There are opinion pieces as to others having theories about how he voted, but nothing categorically stating either way. Yes he was a Eurosceptic at times, but his opinions regarding Brexit changed often: FactCheck: Corbyn’s changing Brexit stance – Channel 4 News
  7. I said left leaning not Labour. The two are not mutually excusive.
  8. On pretty much any thread on MF, which as the only avenue for your opinion express we have to work with.
  9. Could you provide any examples of prominent left leaning people who voted for Brexit? Because the list of prominent right leaning people who voted for Brexit is unending.
  10. And yet you opine like the right.
  11. No, but as I commented, it does illustrate that those on the right are more inclined towards populist and delusional thinking.
  12. I thought the common sentiment among the Leaver camp was "you lost, get over it"? And all your point does it illustrate how delusional and disconnected from reality those on the right are.
  13. I mean who to agree with? Some random on the internet with an apparent lack of understanding of the situation (either intentionally or otherwise) or internationally regarded and recognised independent agencies (including the UN ICJ)? Also, using the "but they're doing it" argument instantly invalidates your argument.
  14. As long as sufficient safe guards are put in place, I am fully behind this. It has struck me as odd that we as society have no problems "putting down" animals to end their suffering, but then baulk at the idea of ending another human's suffering.
  15. Ground News - An Israeli strike that killed 3 Lebanese journalists was most likely deliberate, Human Rights Watch says Another example that doesn't exactly paint Israel in a good light
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