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Vaaish last won the day on December 30 2024

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About Vaaish

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    Ellan Vannin
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    Remaining upright for as long as possible

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  1. Much like a number of our top civil servants…
  2. Oh…a suggestion that Tynwald functions efficiently. How very droll. Whatever next.
  3. A weekend in the Strang with Andrew Jessopp.
  4. Quite the statistic.
  5. I have some life coach advice for everyone on MF. Never visit IOM ‘Newspapers’ website (and ideally never buy their lamentable product either). Your life will be better for it.
  6. Because politicians lack principles and integrity. They are like paper boats on a pond. The merest hint of a breeze sends them sailing in a new direction. So, Christian, ‘Yes, I voted against Cannan’s leadership, but now he’s offered me promotion so of course I’ll accept it’… Johnson…’ No dear electorate, I won’t accept a Minister’s job if elected….oh look, yes I have’. What you can be sure of however is that the new direction will, first and foremost, be one that they perceive gains advantage to them.
  7. Comedy indeed when we all know that Cobb’s actual mission was to ensure that Crookall didn’t eat his crayons.
  8. See if you can guess.
  9. Of course she doesn’t; she a bloody politician. When do they ever?
  10. I’m pretty sure they do, but only if the person so summoned is on the Island. They can’t hoik someone from UK or further afield.
  11. Yes, as reported by Manx Radio. Its source doesn’t alter the stupidity of Crookall.
  12. The report makes it clear that Crookall was ‘due to meet the committee’ (accompanied by Cobb) but that he ‘accepted another appointment’. That’s a pretty effective way to piss off a Tynwald Committee by making it clear that they’re not very important and you’ll do something else instead. Cobb was still free to attend the committee (and why not) but was instructed not to by Crookall/DoI. So, committee pissed off again, having to cancel at very late notice. Crookall is a moron.
  13. Just when you thought you had learned everything you could about the (separate) incompetence of Crookall and DoI, they lower the bar yet further. The retention of Crookall as a Minister is Cannan’s way of waving two fingers at every single one of us. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/committee-hearing-cancelled-after-airport-director-told-not-to-attend/
  14. Indeed they should. We don’t need yet more freeloading failed politicians with a track record of achieving precisely nothing.
  15. Bandwagon jumping MHK of limited quality spouts obvious platitudes aimed at the gullible, to make personal political capital… https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/edge-manx-care-broken-and-at-risk-of-collapse-without-doctors/
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