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  1. Two great questions. I think the S4 relates to the planning consent. Who agreed these no bloody use to the public terms is of great interest.
  2. Another ‘Ain’t nuffink to do with me guv’ response from the Pygmy intellect of Peel. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/dandara-will-finish-ballasalla-bypass-in-their-own-time/
  3. Ouija board time methinks.
  4. I realise that Gladys. I apologise therefore if my attempt at tongue in cheek humour failed to land!
  5. I do not believe that God exists. But if there was some omnipotent sentient entity with sufficient power to create the universe I cannot conceive of how such entity would require, or have, a gender. Were there a God, the correct term would be ‘it’ not ‘him’. Clearly this would be disappointing for those religions which subjugate women to second class status - I’m looking at you Islam- where a hairy, masculine, broad-shouldered he-God would be de rigueur. Indeed, if it is mandatory for God to reflect that description, then it’s clearly Odin.
  6. Sadly too many of the buggers have been recycled as well.
  7. Keeping abreast of developments I see.
  8. Indeed. And it would appear people are.
  9. But whoever turned down £10,000 they ‘didn’t need’?
  10. Regardless of the motive for using Mr Myrie, or the suitability of local individuals to chair the event, the sum paid to him isn’t surprising. Clive Myrie is a presenter of the BBC TV news, is the ‘host’/question master on ‘Mastermind’, and (I think) presented the BBC coverage of the recent UK General Election.
  11. It’s the going rate. You’d be astonished what TV ‘personalities’ earn for appearing at such events, or after dinner speaking. Even C-listers command frankly eye-watering sums.
  12. I have the deepest dislike and suspicion of any organised religion, of whatever stripe. It is a vehicle for the control and coercion of the individual.
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