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  1. Tinpot

    Minimum wage

    I couldn’t find a recent topic on this, but I see CoC are calling for the proposed increases to be put back. I don’t blame them I really don’t see how an increase in minimum wage helps anyone but the government who will see higher tax and NI income (assuming it’s not cancelled about by workplaces cutting people’s hours or making positions redundant) Suggestions of hospitality places having to increase prices by 14 percent or more to cover the increase, and other businesses will have to do the same, so nobody really ends up that much better off and inflation goes up. Anyone of £14 to £20 an hour is going to expect a proportional increase to maintain the gap between them and minimum wage as week. It’s insane
  2. That would be like having a contract with a car wash to do three cars an hour, and the penalising them because six turn up at once.
  3. Ok then
  4. Do you honestly think the (small) delays sometimes experienced getting people and bags on and off planes when more than one need servicing at the same time can be fixed without more Menzies feet on the floor?
  5. Blimey! Plus Bank Holidays? That’s insane
  6. The reason the service is stretched is number of staff. More staff equals better service due to higher capacity. People can’t be in two places at once. Pesky staff tend to expect to be paid. They normally want to be paid with money. Therefore Menzies need to spend more money to give better service. Menzies will need to maintain their margin and profits by passing additional cost on to the airlines and/or the airport. Guess who it gets passed onto next? Make sense?
  7. If you want more ground crew and so better service, expect to pay higher prices.
  8. Tinpot


    Just did a quick search and it turns out people discussed it quite extensively on here back in April 24. Who would have even thought that something that was fairly well covered in the news at the time would have been discussed at the time it was a thing?
  9. Agreed. its a stupid idea and by the time its built Tesla and others will already have self driving cars and taxis that don’t need to park in town available. People will laugh, but private car use and the need for parking in towns will be much less in 10 years than it is now. https://www.mgprestigecar.fr/how-autonomous-vehicles-could-transform-car-ownership/
  10. Isn’t there at least one big car park planned for Douglas in the next couple of years on Parade Street
  11. Tinpot


    Thought I had stepped into a time warp then and we were suddenly discussing news from not far off a year ago. How bizarre.
  12. Tinpot

    Firm closing

    Have you any evidence that anyone has paid a deposit that they are still owed, for a house they don't yet live in?
  13. So again. Name somewhere in Douglas that there isn’t always a vacant parking space available within a few minutes walk. If parking is an issue. Someone should be able to name one/
  14. It’s in a mess at the other end as well. It’s nothing to do with traffic or the fair, it’s just old and due for renewal when the wall is finished
  15. Yes it is. Thats why the Christmas parking is now on the walkway.
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