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  1. As you say Cobb likely finds it easier to blame “abuse” on social media for people leaving rather than him being shit in any way might be responsible for people going. It’s the same as Theresa Cope this week. It’s all so unfair that people can say how shit the things that I am responsible for are on social media. That’s just bullying and I’m really upset. Because I don’t think I’m shit, and I don’t think I should have to listen to anyone else saying how shit they think I am when I’m on £200k a year. I’ll be off soon because of all this social media bullying (and not because I might conceivably be shit in any way at all).
  2. Luker

    Alf's House

    So says regular raging forum mental case. Grow up small man.
  3. Luker

    Firm closing

    Accusing tinpot of talking shite isn’t rude. It’s an accurate description of 80% of their posts.
  4. Luker

    Alf's House

    But the fact remains, you painfully smug supercilious old witch, that if that post was made pages ago, and you haven’t marked anything in the text to suggest you have amended it when you re-posted it, then posters assume that it is a straight quote as nobody goes back to check. Whereas if I amend a post I’ve made, it automatically flags it as It “amended” underneath to show that it has changed. It is pure manipulation and seems to be used here at lot It must be very tiring for you expending the tireless effort to be such a sad pedantic moderator arse kisser on a dull little used forum.
  5. Luker

    Alf's House

    No it clearly is. You just seem to be some forum arse kisser who will support the mods on anything. Even by stating black is white.
  6. As opposed to a poster like you who seems to have a problem with absolutely everyone else in the world.
  7. Have you seen the new Visit IOM YouTube video? Our new visitor demographic is wankers. People who want to make their mail order Chinese bride climb a mountain as some sort of achievement. And twats who want to swim in a cold harbour.
  8. Claire Barber will not be in that role in 18 months. She’s a useless placeholder for other more useless people. She won’t get back in to be there in 18 months as she is totally useless as an MHK in any measurable way.
  9. Luker

    Alf's House

    But it IS categorically changing the original post. By replacing it with a re-post that is amended without a note added and where people might not go back up the thread and realize its an amendment to the original quote made.
  10. That said. The prom was busier today than it’s appeared to have been since TT Week. All the bars and cafes along the stretch were rammed. Even if it was connected to biosphere incompatible tourism.
  11. One sad case did come up with a Montego. With the sea air today he’ll be taking it home swept into a wheelie bin.
  12. You seem perfectly qualified in that case.
  13. More than a while back. It’s been that long that even the papers are using a picture of her before she looked like an over weight drag king darts player. https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/changes-announced-at-meat-plant/
  14. It’s doubtful you actually participate in the real world.
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