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There's A Snail In My Bathroom........

Guest Rox

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There's a snail in my bathroom.


I know he's there because every morning he leaves spirals of silver trails all over the dark blue carpet.


Thing is.... I don't know how he got in there and where he lives.


There's no window that opens and unless he's coming up 30 steps every night and going back down again before I get up, then he MUST be living in there somewhere.


But where is he living? I've checked everywhere and can't find a snail house.


And, even more worrying... what is he eating?


And, finally,


what will I call him when I find him?


All answers welcome.


Ta :)

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I'm more inclined to believe it's the morning drool dripping from the corners of your mouth.






I'd rather the morning drool than the all-day drivel that comes out of your chops.




Put a saucer of beer (not lager) on the floor at night and check it periodically to see if it has been lured in. Them snails love a beer.


Maybe it is a slug and it lives in the drain?


Failing that - it must be a very small bloke.




Ps. ref: what you should call him should you happen to find him - I'd call him Dead.



Put a saucer of beer (not lager) on the floor at night and check it periodically to see if it has been lured in. Them snails love a beer.



What if its a teetotal snail/slug? what then do you use ?

Put a saucer of beer (not lager) on the floor at night and check it periodically to see if it has been lured in. Them snails love a beer.



Hmmm..... that'd catch the very small bloke at least :-)




You'll have the human rights posters in here!


(Yeauch LOL)


PS... Rox, you have legs yes and you don't sleep walk/crawl???

I've checked everywhere and can't find a snail house.


If you find the snail house I'll bet the snail isn't far away. Unless it's a slug.


Anyway, call it 'Mike'. And be careful not to stand on Mike.


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