Cret Posted July 4, 2004 Posted July 4, 2004 Why? so she can get a better slap at it? I think I'm getting over her now. Cheers Cret Good man. I know it's a bugger and it probably seems like everywhere you look is couplesville as that's exactly how I felt and it pissed me off something rotten I can tell you! As I say I've never been the best in the world at getting the fairer sex to see me as anything other than a "nice guy", but clichéd as it may be, it's only when I finally convinced myself for real that I could be quite content anyway that I got lucky. I reckon that when you're alright by yourself other people (ie them, birds!) can tell, and for the most part they aren't interested until you are like that. Took me a while but I'm getting there, and you will too matey I'm sure.
Jeremy Posted July 4, 2004 Posted July 4, 2004 When your old and wrinkly and still together, other wise its just a temporary feeling, true love lasts forever, "Till death do you part" or thats what I believe. Although I've just had heart break so I'm biased, although, Actually I dont know. Mayne true love doesn't exist, but when I see two elderly people holding hands and still smiling, it makes me think, "I wonder if I'll ever have that" Yeah I'm young but it doesn't mean I don't want true love now, although I guess Impatient.
gutterflower Posted July 4, 2004 Posted July 4, 2004 ok i agree with Jonty (shock shcok horror horror) that yeah, we are driven by lust and its just all these chemical reactions and hormones, and that science once again has all the answers... but then again, theres nothing in the world anyone can really know for sure ('wisest is she who knows she does not know' )so why not just pick to believe what makes us happy? Yes, I am a mermaid. and id prefer to believe its the most magical and beautiful thing in the world.. when two people find something in eachother that no-one else can see and have a connection of the SOUL.. but when you get your heart torn out of your chest, i wish it was as simple just to think.. hm, if i do some gentle exercise and eat healthily ill produce some endomorphines(or something..shut up, im trying to sound like i know what im on about) and pretty soon ill be getting the mega horn, ..phisical attraction, animal instincts.. for some other guys i dont know. but no, instead we(being me..) just endlessy weep in our rooms and beat up anyone who comes within a metre radius of our little mourning souls... but hey, you cant have everything. and i know nothings that simple, unfortunately we cant control how we feel, and we cant control how anyone else feels. and, from a sciencey point of view - everyones got a different brain, we all think and feel different things. so its not exactly anyones fault if theyre a complete d*ck. though it would be groovy if they could live with my mind for a day.. anyhoooooo, as for myself.. im caaught up in what to believe, and my stupid head will never shut up, its constinetly asking me stupid question and i dont know the answers!! i fear ive got so open minded, my brain has fallen out. and now im so narrow minded i dont care what you think, because we dont know anything, its all an ILLUSIIOON, yes i am quite possibly insane, and ive got such a terrible apathy i dont think im ever going to find 'love' whatever it may be, i will die an old and bitter lady, with lots of cats. and thats about it!! Thankyou if anyone actually bothers to read all that, im going into hibernation now.
puddy Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 Well, I'm a miserable get and I honestly can't remember what love feels like, and at the moment, I don't think I will ever feel it again. Don't feel bad for me, I did have it once but I was too young to appreciate it as I didn't realise it may never some round again. As great as it was at the time, it went right down the opposite end of the spectrum when it was over and the love was replaced with hatred and shame. I can't see any potential partners out there and that might be my fault, perhaps I expect too much, but I don't think that's the problem. I've always had to force myself to go out with people in the first place. Once I get over the initial embarrassment of being out with somebody new for the first few times, I start to like them and soon forget about their faults, this is what usually lands me in trouble. Love is blind and it makes you do stupid things and believe somebody is a wonderful person when they're just another Tom, D*ck or Harry who you've ran out of things to have in common with. Maybe I think it's better not to let feelings towards somebody develop so I can see them as they really are before my eyes become affected with the vaseline treatment and I become a pathetic shadow of my former self. Independence means far more to me than being with somebody and I enjoy being out on my own when everyone else is part of the couple-fest. I also detest holding hands in public, I've got a rep to protect after all. I know that I could find somebody again, it's only my attitude that needs changing. I need to bury my head in the sand for a bit I reckon. I basically need to ignore all of the bad things which have happened. When I've got the innocent mind which I had when I was 19 again, that's when it'll happen. Boll*cks! That might never happen and I might live a miserable, lonely life surrounded by my cats who will undoubtedly eat me after I fall down the stairs in old age and remain undiscovered for weeks. God, I'm depressed now. Does anybody know any TRUE love stories with a happy ending to cheer me up a bit?
zephyr Posted July 6, 2004 Author Posted July 6, 2004 Puddy and gutterflower, I was feeling like xxxx when I started this thread but yesterday showed me that I don't need to feel like that anymore. I danced with my ex, I spoke to her, there was no hurt at all. I just enjoyed the day, danced with loads af ladies talked to several, didn't have the feeling that I should be looking for love, I just enjoyed the day for what it was. No I didn't find the love of my life but I also found out that I'm not as bad as I had convinced myself that I was. I feel like a weight has been lifted from me and I am free to be me again. I'm not going looking for love anymore, I'm going to wait for it to sneak up on me and take me unawares. Look to the future never the past. Have a big hug from me to you two
zephyr Posted July 6, 2004 Author Posted July 6, 2004 Indeed Observer, Not sure what I'll write about now though, the angst of being folorn and lost without love has been the basis for most of my poetry. Ooooo it could get sickly. All I see are blue skies No clouds to block my way All I see are blue skies There's nothing else to say.
purrrrrrrrrrry Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 I feel like a weight has been lifted from me and I am free to be me again. Look to the future never the past. Good for you zephyr!
zephyr Posted July 6, 2004 Author Posted July 6, 2004 Thanx all If I start making a tit of myself again please feel free to give me a damn good kick up the arse.
Observer Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 Well you know I will. (In the nicest possible way of course)
puddy Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 Thanks for your kind words zephyr. I haven't become a catwoman yet but there's a shed full of cats down at Aard Jeckyll in need of lonely women and that may be the way for me, but I don't know yet. Before my last bad experience somebody said to me that the outcome of whether or not the man in question turned out to be a complete set of b@st@rds might determine whether or not I ever get married or have children as my faith in men is so little. What happened with him was bad and it was one almighty blow to my confidence but I know not everybody is like him so there is still a chance. I was fine about what happened, like I always am, and my friends were fantastic. That's all I need.
zephyr Posted July 6, 2004 Author Posted July 6, 2004 Well Puddy if feelings of empathy are transferable via the aether you should be feeling the hope I have for you that you find Mr right. As I have found out, we all have friends on here who will listen without casting aspertions, they are there with a shoulder to cry on.
gutterflower Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 yaaaay, i got a hug of zephyr!! im sorry puddy if i offended you with the cat thing, even if you do become a cat woman im sure you will still be a very lobely person
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