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Forum Record


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We just broke our record and had 90 users in the forum - eerily though, over 70 of them were 'guests' - I think we should rename 'Guests' to 'Ghosts' as I find it rather unsettling for some reason.




I think it was 72 or so (at least) - it did look rather odd yes. Trolls you reckon? Oooohh... will dig out my Troll Club ;-)


I'm shhhakin'


(but not as much as I was earlier - teehee)


I don't much about computers and stuff but I wondered if it had anything to do with that Archive.org thingy that appears. It was on the online list earlier when there was an influx of "Guests"?????


Waiting for someone to post how stupid I am now :(


I noticed that name too but no member listed under it, interestingly it is another forum too. Had a quick look but can't see any reference to here on it, though confess I wasn't too thorough. Maybe MM was right about the link then?


I know when I clicked to look at the online list most of the "Guests" who were in seemed to be looking at the same 3 or 4 threads and they weren't very recent ones.


I was looking on the online list and they seemed fairly generally interspersed throughout the forum. It was weird and I felt spied on! Teehee.


We haven't had any controversial issues lately I don't think eh?


PS One was even looking at that old "Love" thread that Zephyr posted.


One Ghost is, as we speak, printing a topic........


I'm off mates!


Heh, two are registering and one is logging in.


Anyway someone could check the IP's to see if it's just one or two people messing about?


Can't check IP's on Ghosts I don't think....


Derm derm derm derrrrrmmmmmm...


(Will check now)


It's the aliens!!! They've found us and want to communicate with us...........knew I should've made one of those Thought Screen Hats! :o


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