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One In A Million


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Woke up not knowing what to write

Afternoon tea, Any remanents of talent left behind

Going to bed at night, Knowing that when I wake

I will be once again one in a million

I wrote a thousand words

And in each stored my heart and soul

I chose a million letters

And in each was stored a hidden meaning

The freedom of speech was blessed

I could write down all the thoughts in my head

To those outside it made no sense

Just not ever understandable garbage

To me each word held a hidden pain, A hidden smile

To you I sit at home and cut myself all day long

Another one of those x-teens

Just crying out for attention

But no i scream out loud for someone to listen, To comment

Back in the day when I was offered help

Now a lonely poem in a sea of others

But then again

Thats the story of my life


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