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Karma Police?

Trinity 23

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I would tell all Tee but some of the people concerned may well know who I am on here and in bearing my soul/story I would be letting too many of my personal experiences out into the forum...


If I can be arsed, I will mail you an outline sometime...


A good little read I would suggest for those who would like to see if they can bring on some Karma would be 'The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz'... In short they are 1. Be impecable with your word. 2. Don't take anything personally. 3. Don't make assumptions. 4. Always do your best. - My basic principles in life if you will (well I try my bestess!) and I have to say that after I read this book, I was more receptive to the acts of karma that were happening in life, I know this kinda stuff aint for everyone...


*awaits flaming but will not be taking it personally!*

Just my 2p


Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself works for me.


I agree with that philosophy and follow that - but the old karma thing certainly seems to rear it's head in my life and whilst watching others lives from the outside looking in.


I don't tempt fate, to coin a phrase.


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