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No sign allowed on Onchan Football Club

Fred the shred

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The Commissioners have rejected signage on Onchan Football Club clubhouse.    Why we do not know unless it is a spiteful action because they have fallen out with a member who is and has been a stalwart of the club for many years.    This is beyond pathetic even for the said commissioners this small minded decision sets a new low.

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1 hour ago, Fred the shred said:

Why we do not know unless it is a spiteful action because they have fallen out with a member who is and has been a stalwart of the club for many years.    This is beyond pathetic even for the said commissioners this small minded decision sets a new low

Onchan Commissioners, innit?

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

Does anyone else feel its mental that the commissioners have to say yes it's OK to stick up a [sign] on a building that's already been approved?

I mean it's a small sign why can't they just stick it up?

Because one person's 'small sign' may be a lot of other people's hideous visual intrusion.  So there are rules, though small signs under a certain specified size probably are exempt.  And there are different, stricter rules for illuminated signs, which will affect neighbours more.  But because most signs are uncontroversial, the power is normally devolved to local authorities, rather than Planning Committee and most get approved pretty quickly - this one only took six weeks.

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