Terms & Conditions of Use for the website
- To submit post and contributions, you must be a Member
- Membership is free
- Admission to membership is discretionary
- To help pay running costs you may subscribe or make a donation
- No Member has any right of ownership over or its content because of Membership, Subscription or Donation
- All Members must accept these Terms & Conditions / Rules to join and observe them to remain a Member
- To become a Member, you must provide a valid E-mail addres
- To continue as a Member you must maintain a valid e-mail address. Occasionally, e-mails may be sent to you. If one bounces your membership maybe terminated
- The Terms & Conditions and Rules may be changed. An announcement will be published on the site, and an individual e-mail sent to all existing members. By visiting the site, whether to post or not, you are deemed to have accepted the new Terms & Conditions and Rules after that visit
- You will have to tick an accept box to join. To leave, you will have to ask to be removed as a member
- is hosted at nfernoHosting
- belongs to UniSol who provides it as a free service. They are not publishers or editors and do not exercise editorial control at common law – contact
- is not continuously moderated. There are a number of voluntary Moderators who attempt to keep the legal, tasteful and in good order. They assume no editorial control or duty to any member, reader, visitor or anyone mentioned or referred to in any post. They do not act as common law editors.
- No naming, no identifying of Members who use an alias.
- No obscenities, no defamation, no tasteless or otherwise unpleasant or injurious posts and no posts which break either the civil or criminal law are allowed.
- Any post may be edited or removed by the original poster or a Moderator, if seen, or upon request by another party.
- All posts are the responsibility of the poster. That means you. Think before you post. It may have serious consequences for you and
- If any Post, Blog or Attachment gives rise to a claim in law of any type, the owners will take immediate legal advice and notify you of the nature of the complaint. The poster will be then given a period of 48 hours to voluntarily respond directly to the complainant before the owners will provide both the relevant E-mail and IP address information to the concerned party. By accepting the Terms & Conditions you specifically give your consent to this information being released in the event of the threat of or actual legal action.
- If you post something which does result in a justified complaint it will be removed from view as soon as the complaint is viewed by a Moderator
- The Moderator’s decision is final. No discussion entered into by or its owners or the moderators as to reasons.
- If any complaint results in being ordered by a court, or advised by its advocates, to pay damages, a donation in lieu of damages, a contribution to costs, publication costs of an apology or its own costs, the poster who gave rise to the complaint by agreeing to the Terms & Conditions / Rules specifically agrees to reimburse the total sum involved on an indemnity basis to within 7 days of demand and if proceedings have to be issued agrees that Manx law applies, to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Isle of Man and to agree to the matter being heard as a small claim even if it is for more than £5,000 and not to object to the advocate being allowed to appear at any hearing.
- specifically claims the benefit of the following Law Reform Act 1997 and Electronic Transaction Act 2000, which exclude the liability of Internet Service Providers for the postings of others over whom they have no control.
- is subject to and complies with the Data Protection Legislation of the Isle of Man. It is not required to notify.
- operates a warning and punishment system for posters who break specific Rules.
- is a non-commercial site. Do not post commercial information or links or promote your business unless you have acquired advertising or sponsorship rights.
- Manxforums is for exchanging views, information and opinions in a friendly non-judgemental atmosphere.
- Manxforums does not endorse, support or guarantee the views of posters, which remain their own.
- Do not post spam, promotional material, junk mail, chain letters, pyramid schemes or solicitation material on or through services.
- Do not post material which breaches the Copyright of anyone else. You certify the Copyright of anything you post is yours and by posting you grant the owners a Sub-Copyright or Licence on any words, material, graphic, sound clip or picture for whatever purpose the owners deem appropriate.
- Do not post material which is offensive or defamatory to anyone else.
- You must not stalk or harass other Members or do anything which involves collecting or divulging information about them.
- Do not disclose passwords or allow anyone to use your Membership. If you do, you accept liability for their actions.
- Keep within the topic, if in doubt about relevance, start a new topic.
- Do not flood the forum with multiple posts or sessions.
Any breaches may result in warnings, suspensions, edits or deletions, that your posts are put on preview by a moderator or the ending of your Membership entirely.
General Notice
The owners give no guarantee that this site will continue to be available. They can terminate user membership immediately without giving any reason. In the event of the owners not being able to authenticate any membership, i.e. because there is no valid operational e-mail address or for any other good cause reason, they may end membership. The payment of a Subscription or a Donation gives rise to no contractual or other right to service.
The Owners and Moderators are not responsible for any member-driven content not specifically drawn to their attention. In case of any complaint, it will be acted upon within 48 hours of receipt. They are not liable in law for any post which is not specifically drawn to their attention.
If you do not enjoy the content posted on Then you should no longer visit.
Members will have their E-mail and IP Addresses recorded when they join, a confirmatory e-mail will be sent, and their IP Addresses logged each time they access the board, this is for member security and to aid in managing the forum. IP and E-mail address information may be disclosed without notice in response to complaints about posts, threats of or actual litigation. By using this website and any features you agree to the Terms & Conditions along with the Rules, you have specifically consented to the disclosure. reserves the right to modify the rules and terms of use at any time without notice.