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The Craic Was 168 In Teh Isle Of Man


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The background and reason for writing this film script is from a thread here:

American Film guy to do the TT




The Plot


Our main character is played by a John Wayne type character.


He is going to do the Isle of Man TT races.


He will be saving a few of the British and Irish racers from death. For example as he jumps off his own bike along the Verandah he fixes a young Irishman's throttle cable that has stuck and then jumps back onto his own machine. A gleaming heaviliy chopperised Harley Davidson which he puts on auto drive during the heroic acts. All as the clock shows.....168 mph


Lance (we'll call him Lance just now) knows this is possible because he once watched a TT videos that said the 4 bends on the Verandah can be taken as one long swooping bend. Hence the auto drive stunt is er, possible


At Kate's Cottage Lance dismounts and gives his beautiful model girlfriend who is conicidentally called Kate (Kate Winslet or Kate Moss say*) a long and loving kiss. "Dahrling, I will win this race, save some more people from death, and break the lap record . . . . . . .to an average speed of 168mph. I do it for America . . . and I do it for you"


(In the background that songs plays, you know, the one that has that bloke whining "I dooooo it for yoooou").





Another scene, plagarised from the original video "The Craic was 90 in the Isle of Man" which was made recently on the Island:

In a Douglas restaurant, Lance and his mates ponder over some pasta. They are thinking about the TT, about the world . . . about life itself. They share a pint of yellow liquid. Probably cider. Lance considers spitting some ravioli into the glass as a symbolic gesture of his heroic life - but reconsiders .... yes! he will go out tomorrow to race the mighty Senior Race - to break the lap record for his country and to show them how it should be done.


As a manxforums sideline and as a cameo part, the cider could be offered by a fan on a nearby table "HEYY LANCE !!!!! Ill give you my precsous cider. I hold you in the highest degrea of TT racing etc."




* If we can't get an actress/model called Kate, we just rename Kate's Cottage to whatever actress's name is.







I've got to go and feed the animals just now, but I'll be back.


If anyone has some more ideas please say. Then we'll present the finished script to the film bloke and maybe the Isle of Man Film Commissione will give us a few hundred £grand and that.

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The Cast


Anyway right, I've thought of who should play the lead role, you know, in the americanized Joey Dunlop film. In order for it to be accepted by Holllywood, and for the film to be proper glitzy and that.


Well at first I thought Tom Hanks but he isn't taciturn enough. But after realising the sort of guy this bloke is who wants to do the film - you know, wanting to make the TT about an American hero - I realised who should do it. Sylvester Stallone. He is perfect for the role. Not my first choice you understand, but I have to get in the mind (into character as us budding Hollywood types say) of the film industry here.

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This is a clipping from the Isle of man Courier.


I'm not sure if I should rename my film "Element of Danger" or "I Rode The Course" or "Three People Dead".


Whatever it will be, it will be about Joey the swashbuckling American bike racer based very loosely on some chap who used ride in the Isle of Man TT.

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