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Posts posted by commish

  1. I hope so, too. I feel I want to contribute, but it's such a big subject I don't know where to begin....!! One of the problems is that, although I think I know what Tynwald is and what Tynwald does, I don't know for certain - my knowledge may be wrong or incomplete, and I don't know what I don't know.....!


    Perhaps it would be helpful for someone to produce an Idiots' Guide to Tynwald, and for Lord Lisvane to give some guidance to Joe Public as what areas he will be looking at? The Government is quick to put out consultation papers when it wants public support for actions it wants to take, so perhaps it should consult properly over this, as well?

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  2. Good point.


    By the way, if a person gifts his/her house to family and subsequently goes into residential or nursing care within a certain period - I think it might be ten years - the government still considers it as one of your assets when calculating any financial assistance towards the fees they may give, so it's a big gamble.

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    the real piss take is that it costs a grand a week for a room and a few minumum wage staff and about £3.50 per day per person meal allowance

    True, that's fair comment too. I'm just pissed off as I've seen quite a few people do it recently and they're already gloating about how they're spending their windfall when they couldnt wait to offload their infirm parents onto the state and nab the house. It's pretty low behaviour in my book. Much worse than avoiding a bit of tax.
    Envious bugger.
    Yes funny how you can be envious that the state is milking you for your parents care fees as you can afford it and yet some spawny twat is driving round in a new car because he's dumped his liabilities onto the state and copped for a £200k house into the bargain. As I said these people are leeches and much worse than tax avoiders. I bet they think tax avoiding is wrong to whilst taking the piss to the tune of £1,000 a week.

    Yes, but they've worked hard all their lives to buy that house.

    The state should be providing the old age care and cut these greedy £1000 a week jokers out of the loop.

  4. Roundabouts are great when you have a fairly even flow of traffic from all directions, but they're useless during "rush hours", when traffic from one direction dominates. If filtering one car at a time can't be the norm, then perhaps they should have traffic.lights for those peak periods?


    sarahc, 95% of all drivers turning left at the end of Victoria Street were incapable of using the filter. They stopped or gave way rather than zippering. If it's gone it won't make any difference

    Shame. It was much easier to filter than rely on people who never give way.

    I think that the filter wasn't used properly because it wasn't marked off and signposted clearly. Even the filter system outside at the Gaiety corner isn't very well marked out, and you often see motorists coming from Church Road Marina waiting to be let in, instead of moving forward and filtering into the right-hand lane. I think that the Department of Infrastructure should put the filter system back, with proper signage, including a request to motorists coming from the Sea Terminal to allow cars to filter in, one at a time.


    Incidentally, this principle should also apply at roundabouts like Governor's Bridge.

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