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Posts posted by Burt

  1. 5 hours ago, Happier diner said:

    That's more than just handbags though. Silly buggers. Life's too short.

    I've seen another video of the taxi driver from the delivery drivers view, from what I could make out the taxi driver was asking for a "chat" down the side street too. Proper professional driver him. Sorry don't have a link to it, you'll just have to imagine it for now. 

  2. I can see it being driven as a requirement by insurance companies. It might even be a requirement soon to have a valid certificate to drive that vehicle on UK roads. As has been said though, MOT = bollox. I've brought a good few vehicles over from the UK now with MOT's less that a couple of months old, and I wouldn't of been cheeky enough to bring them to our test centre they were so bad.  It's all to easy across to pay a mate with a garage to just issue the cert. 

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  3. 50 years I've been listening to Manx Radio, 35 of those actually on purpose. I've done 2 mornings with the new layout, there isn't going to be a third. What utter tripe. I'm certain they won't care, but I won't be listening again. If i was an advertiser paying for morning slots, which by the way seem to of increased I'd be wondering what I was expecting to return. 

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  4. 39 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

    The weather forecasts are the worst, some giggling woman, one that needs an interpreter and one that sounds as if he has a bag on his head.   Then the news comes on and it's mumble Caine.   

    Have to agree.  Professionalism seams to have long passed.   No one gives a s**t anymore.  The carry on at 7:15 each morning with Chris Williams and Co. is absolutely embarrassing. Not entirely sure what they are trying to produce. And my all time hate is Caine trying to pronounce names in their mother tongue. Nothing short of pure cringeworthiness.  Like a scene from the Fast Show.  Eth eth eth eth, eth eth eth eth. 


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  5. I don't ever remember Manx Radio getting any stick until some staff that used to work there decided that they could do a better job themselves, and went off and set up their own stations. Then it almost seems that they found out by accident that this takes quite a bit of work and money, so complained bitterly ever since that the playing field wasn't fair because Manx Radio was getting a leg up from the Government. (Just like it did when these guys worked there). 

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  6. On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 9:12 PM, Linz said:

    Yes the MR democracy reporter, whose dad was an MHK when he was employed to report on democracy for the public service broadcaster. 

    I just thought that by not being employed by Manx Radio, he'd be it bit more  "vicious" in his interviewing/reporting. A little bit Paxman. Not to be.  Side-bread-buttered-knowledge.

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  7. 24 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

    And I heard this morning over the airwaves that MR has a "Local Democracy Reporter"!

    WTF is all that about?

    I heard that too. A young Mr Gawne I think.  So as far as I'm aware he doesn't work for MR,  he is employed by the BBC. (could be mistaken though).

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  8. 1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

    Howard Cain's version of the news always sets my teeth on edge just a rapid gabble, Chris Caine has a great voice for radio very clear.   Stu was having a rant about slow drivers today.....we are not all petrol heads !!!!having said that the mountain road is desperate when you get one really slow leading the procession.

    Ah yes, and his very patronising and pointless use of a Spanish accent, to accentuate every foreign name that he tries to pronounce. ggrrrrrr

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  9. On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 1:48 PM, Roger Mexico said:

    Serves you right for being so bloody cryptic! All first posts should link to the relevant news item when possible.


    Given that it's not the first time that Oliphant Smith has stood for Council, you'd have though he would have some idea of what the job entailed. Instead he's cost the ratepayers money for the initial election which otherwise would have been unopposed and now for a by-election as well.

    This....     He is basically pissed of that he had to go because of the rules. But he doesn't like the rules, so he's going to tell on the bigger boys.

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