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Posts posted by Rock

  1. Watched "The Wrestler" last night, TBH after all I'd heard about it I was a bit disappointed, the film seemed to drag a bit and there didn't really seem much point to it.

    Watched it last week, thought it was fantastic -- albeit being a longitme wrestling fan may have had some bearing on my opinion

  2. I did year 9 camp in the year of the canoeing 'accident', as i remember it one of the teachers (matthews?) didn't want to lose the canoes so swam out after them, only to get too far out and have to be rescued by the coastguards.


    Also masterton would come down to cook* the bbq on one of the evenings.


    *by cook i mean most people saw someone take a bite of a burger which was practically black on the outside but red and dripping blood/juices in the middle.



    This thread has brought back a few memories. 


    Does anyone remember Miss Spate, the 20 something PE teacher?  All the lads really had a thing for her.


    Also remember another PE teacher, unfortunately forgot her name, but she was really nice.  I think she died of cancer though. 


    Remember Mr Johnson, who was a PE teacher, also Mr Thomas.


    Miss Speight was my first form tutor at ballakermeen (the last year before she left) and she was really nice (nice person and nice looking :)), not sure about the others but Mr Thomas is still teaching sport in the USA afaik


    Also remember another PE teacher, unfortunately forgot her name, but she was really nice.  I think she died of cancer though. 

    I remember a Mrs Whitehead who taught PE and was nice, she passed on but I don't think if was the big C.


    Anyone remember Mr Bradbury? Eejit of the highest order, with a ginger handlebar moustache that there was simply no excuse for sporting. Maths teacher.


    Bradbury was my maths teacher for most of the time i was there! I thought he was quality, and certainly knew his stuff (enough with the freakin' X!)

  3. Ballakermeen 92-99 here,


    had woodwork with Benny Ball a few times, didn't he not miss a single lesson in 25 years? (or something like that?)


    also, wasn't there a teacher (female, 40's, long gingerish hair, did craft/cookery) who was found to be using a false name, as well as qualifications? -- she vanished halfway through a term and myself and 2 friends got a shouting at for even asking where she was! (we 6th formers had to 'guard' the fire alarms on the last days of term, she brought us mince pies :))


    plenty of psychotic people (teachers & students alike) there though!

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