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Posts posted by ade

  1. Funnily Ade, I've not seen the remake, but re visited the original recently. It's no wonder you found it disturbing, the original was banned until about 2008 and the version I've got still has scenes cut out. I can't believe they kept the ban on for so long and gave a green light for the remake so quickly.

    Though I'd say Visually some scenes in Rob Zombie's House of 1,000 Corpses can be difficult to watch and that got certified no problem. Times have definately changed.


    During 'that' scene, I actually got to the stage where I started to think about how the actors managed to get through it. Gove them their due, it's pretty convincing.


    I've still not managed to watch house of 1000 corpses yet, but have heard great things - and Devils Rejects is a huge favourite of mine, so if it is anything like it, then I'll be happy.

  2. Last House on the Left (2009).


    Never saw the original, so I had nothing to go on.


    Pretty savage film really. A rape scene which I found pretty disturbing, and lots of violent action. The storyline was ok, but I thought the end was a bit odd/shit.

  3. I have a simple, cost saving solution for QB, do not put back the white and red lego bricks after TT and MGP, then we can see round the whole junction. See, saved £4 million, plus the cost of putting in and taking away those hideous blocks. When you are coming from the Bray Hill side, without those blocks you can actually see what is happening/coming at you from the lower roundabout.


    What were they meant to do in any case, remind us that we drive on the left?


    Gladys, I seem to recall from earlier in this thread that they are to protect pedestrians while crossing the junction? Regardless, they've been removed from the QB for about a week now I think, no idea why though (and I'm not complaining - bloody hazard).

  4. Here's an idea...take down those stupid red and white lane dividers and the majority of the problems will disappear.....


    I was once told by a DOT worker that the red and white bollard thingies are there to allow pedestrians to cross the road without being endangered by traffic when waiting to cross the second carriageway.

    And he wasn't leaning on a shovel at the time so it must be true.


    Ah, here it is.

  5. I think it actually looks OK - I was pleasantly surprised.


    Because it looks Ok does not mean that it is necessary. Drivers still have to get out into the traffic flow - something a few of them don't seem to have the skill to do.


    Have the DoT produced a cost benefit/analysis or is this just a 'nice to do'. Should £4 million of your money and mine (about £200 per family) be spent on this without having some form of commercially sound justification?


    PS: How does a pedestrian cross the road - there does not seem to be any provision in the crayon sketh.


    Just because I think the design of the actual roundabout is OK, it doesn't mean I think it's value for money. I think that the £4m cost to build it sounds ridiculous, however I'm not in construction, so I'm just saying that because it sounds like a shit load of cash that can amazingly be found when other things have to go without. As with previous government projects I would think that the final cost is a lot more than £4m. I'm also (not pleasantly) surprised that they've quoted 2 years for the build. I'm sure resorts and huge buildings get constructed around the world in less time.


    Park and ride,

    provision for cycle lanes,

    somewhere to park my fucking bike in Douglas would be nice.

  6. The Prestige - What an excellent film.


    In a way I'm kind of glad that you guys told me about the possibility of a twist that was to come. It doesn't become apparent that there will be a twist or that there is something to look out for, until at least half way through the movie. However once it gets going and after the cameo by Mr. Bowie things really start to pick up. Great performances by Hugh Jackman and Michael Caine I thought.


    Thanks for the heads up.


    For those who have not yet managed to catch it, it should be on until Friday evenings on Sky Movies, and it's possibly on Sky Anytime, so you can watch it whenever you like.

  7. I'd had The Prestige sat around for ages and just never got round to watching it, but it popped up on Sky Premiere this week and I had nothing better to do on a Sunday than light a coal fire and watch it.


    It's hard to describe too much of the film without giving too much away. It's beautifully shot, well acted and it's a great script. The story twists and turns as it goes along, giving you enough clues to work out what is really going on but only if you're paying attention. I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't get the final twist completely, although as soon as they showed it I realised how painfully obvious it was and there was a bunch of foreshadowing. Annoyed to admit the person watching it with me came up with the right answer and I dismissed it. Bah.


    I thoroughly enjoyed it, and in a weird way, the more I've thought about it since, the more I think I feel I enjoyed it. It's a shame that with films like these, you can't really watch them more than a couple of times because it's driven by the mystery and the clues. Definitely recommended.


    Oh, and I watched the new Futurama movie on Saturday night while we were waiting for the Hatton fight. It's Futurama, I don't need to say any more than that really. Miss it at your peril.


    Cheers for the recommendation, I saw it advertised on Sky Movies this week. It's Christian Bale isn't it? Will Sky+ it tonight.

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