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Posts posted by Steven

  1. The other thing about this cider is the mixture of mind altering chemicals within the cider which seriously affects the blood sugar blood levels affecting not only insulin levels resulting in diabetes but also distruption of brain hormones ect resulting in severe mood swings ie aggression, deperession ect.

    So the food industry is actually selling the stuff endorsed by goverment, which can cause these anti social behavours in people.

    So its unfair + hypocritical 2 blame people for these behaviours ie cant get jobs ect when your actually providing this absoloute crap which is oftern causing there behaviours!


    Just 2 mention also that saying no one is forcing anyone 2 drink this stuff, well it contains chemicalls which are HIGHLY addictive, so people beome physically + mentally addicted so they HAVE 2 continue 2 drink it intill they can get the help they need!


    Some one really ought 2 bring these super markets 2 court over some of the stuff they sell as supermarkets are ultimatley responsible for causing some serious health problems within populations.

    Unfortunaltey the legal system is flawed in itself as rich orginizations have money which buys, + they have power which oftern corrupts + so desicions are oftern wrongfully influenced, + so justice is rarely served!


    But the other thing about the homeless is the cost of flats on the lsle of man, people are just totally ripped of over here by greedy landlords!!!

    A flat in the uk is about 45 - 50 p/w over here there avegeraged about 100 p/w at least!


    But what i post may be cobblers 2 some but 2 those with a bit of imagination + understanding it makes perfect sence!


    I dont care that i may be an outsider of outsiders, i stand my ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  2. Well i was in the DHSS office a while back + i came across this woman crying her eyes out, her freind asked me for asistance as she was so upset crying + so pissed ect that she couldent even sign her name on the form she was tryna fill out! (her friend had a few 2 many also!) she said she had been kicked out of her flat, + lost her money ect ect etc ect

    I obvously helped + filled the form in on her behalf.


    But goodness knows what shes been thru + is going thru 2 get into that state? :(


    I dont think its very helpfull 2 lable them as drunken twats!!! there mostley people with unresolved issues within there lives + have repaetedly been kicked down by society + so have turned there anger + sadness inwards, instead of outwards hence there need for cider 2 make the world seem better at the time.


    The wrong doings of society is the reason they drink!

    I think they should be allowed help on there OWN terms NOT on anyone elses terms!


    Im still gunna speack up for these people, they just simply need a helping hand :)

  3. I was reading a report about the underage binge drink culture on the isle of man + uk - shocking!


    Its interesting 2 note that in countries which endorse alcohol ie wine ect as part of there normal culture ie spain italy ect you dont see these alcohol binge problems dispite there tendencyies towards animal creulty which is obviously detrimental towards peoples outlook on life.


    But im a little concered by these high court judges who just lock people up who have 2 steal ect 2 finance there drink addiction, when in reality these people need help not punishment.

    They have 2 drink for a reason!!!

    Just because someone breaks the law it does not nessacerilly mean they have done anything wrong!


    Im not sure judges are the most suitable people 2 deal with these kinda problems, in fact there the most inappropraite!

  4. 2 say there is a homeless problem in the I.O.M is only partially true 2 a certain exstent as although they are homless there is "homes" for people 2 live in.

    Unfortunatley the undelying problem is alcoholism! :(

    These people who are homless have drink problems + so they "need" drink before they will pay for + "need" accomadation.


    These people are in urgent need of help for there alcohol addiction, once they are helped with this you help them with there homeless problems.


    Beneath virtually all alcohol issues ect there are underlying emotinal problems + they need help with this also.


    So in summery treat the cause ie alcoholiosm instead of treating the symptoms which is homelessness.


    Just because they are homless does NOT mean they should not be entitled 2 benefits, its not there fault that they need cider! help them with there difficulties + problems is the order of the day!!! :)

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