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sherlock moans

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Posts posted by sherlock moans

  1. 1 hour ago, wrighty said:

    Youtube too. He is literally being erased. 

    I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. He's always been an odious individual, and to be fair has made no secret of his promiscuity. Why are the BBC and others now being all holier than thou having previously been quite happy to pay him megabucks to be exactly like he always has been?

    To shut him up yessir 

  2. On 1/24/2013 at 12:18 PM, Norseman said:


    Quire straightforward really. CP is group offering range of courses at ridiculously high prices aimed at "leaders of the future".


    Various nutters (Lawfull Rebellion, Brian Gerrish, TPUC, David Icke, et al) all have own version of how CP is really a dark and dangerous force that is trying to take over positions of power(strange really, as most of the nutters think that the world is already controlled by a global elite, in which case why would they bother?). And, of course, if you don't share their (the nutters) paranoid view of CP then you are one of the stupid "sheeple" while if you do believe them you are "enlightened" and superior to most other people.


    These groups tend to be right wing, therefore include lots of eurosceptics, and so no wonder anti-CP nonsense taken up by likes of Mail and Sun.


    Quite amusing to see Lxxx bringing attention to the fact that the "mainstream press" is slagging off CP. He usually sees the mainstream press as merely the puppets of the powerful elite.

    Common purpose training is a WEF affiliate designed to get there members into positions of power to push through there great reset agenda to bring the Chinese social credit system to a plutocratic corporatocracy maskerading as a democracy near you

    This isn't a conspiracy theory before you start yessir it's a fact go on there website an check it out for yourself also while your at it check out the United nations agenda 2030 as well seen as there both sides of the same coin

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