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Posts posted by Ean

  1. They put that up quick! The BBC essentially ripped the piss out of the poor girl. This followed an interview with the british girl who started to cry after the interviewer just went on and on about how she failed.


    Anyone else found the BBC coverage a little insensitive? There were a couple of other interview where people clearly didn't want to talk about the event they'd just crashed out of.

  2. Does the milk still have a letter taking up one side of it (it used to be white on blue)? I bet it doesn't, bet it advertises the creameries or energy fm or whatever they're advertising on the pint cartons atm.

  3. I Heart Huckabees and was sorely disappointed. People who's opinions i can normally trust raved about this film so i went and bought the DVD in a sale. There were about 15 minutes of the film that were good scenes (and a few of the outtakes were actually very good and very funny) and the rest was toss. I figured this was one of those films that died at the box office because they didn't go as the critics didn't get it, turns out the critics got it and gave it the ratings it deserved (apart from whoever reviewed it for Total Film who said "One of the smartest, funniest movies imaginable." which is frankly absurd.)

  4. Spoke to Unisol for the first time yesterday, have seen him around before but never actually said anything.


    Seemed like a very personable sort of chap.


    You should hear what he says about you behind your back! ;)


    Probably just the usual sort of stuff about how handsome and level-headed and never tempted to go off on mad rants about fuck all on forums I would think.


    That's what most people say about me beind my back.


    Actually, it's Friday night, which is RANTING NIGHT - assuming I can achieve the correct level of intoxication, that is.


    I love it when ChopleyTurnip gets going, it's brillo!

  5. Spoke to Unisol for the first time yesterday, have seen him around before but never actually said anything.


    Seemed like a very personable sort of chap.


    You should hear what he says about you behind your back! ;)

  6. Much more entertaining to just randomly ask people. I don't think you earn the right to be on MF if you haven't done the "Excuse me are you ....? No, right then, Hi I'm Ean!" conversation. What other reason is there for a local forum?

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