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I like to talk rubbish and you can't stop me goddamnit

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Bean Me Day 1

Well I started out with a new experience for me, a coffee at Indigo Red on the way to work. It was some Latte thing and was very pleasant. Al seems quite well.In work I was made my standard tankard of Tea by one of the kind ladies I work with - bit of a setback as I couldn;t not drink it but I went and made myself a swift mug of Nescafe's finest to compensate.... this hit me quite hard and I started to feel pretty light headed.I managed a 3rd cup at 11 and started to feel quite sick.... in fact



Bean Me

I dislike coffee as a rule.... always been a Tea man myself - lots of milk for preference...anywaysI was watching Futurama last night and there is an episode where Fry decides to drink 100 cups of coffee.... so I reckon I can drink 100 cups in a week.... only 14.3 a dayI'll start tomorrow and see how I get on... should be easy at work



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