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Friday September 19th



Well I have calmed down a little now from when I turned on my radio this morning. The first thing that annoyed me was the announcement of the mansion house dinner tonight. Yes, it seems there is to be a dinner for 200 guests tonight sponsored by the IOM Government. Apart from a few top wigs in our Government, the movers and shakers from the finance sector will all be present. This includes bankers and what have you from the UK. According to our lot, this piece of nonsense is going to bring bungles of money into the Island. Well unless you have been on planet mars for the last year or so, we all know what the movers and shakers in the banking world have brought about. I would very much like to see the cost of this dinner published. After all, we are paying for it; this should include all other expenses such as air fares and hotel costs. Later the so-called financial benefits that this lavish lunch is going to bring to us all should also be published. The treasury should not be allowed to get away with glibly announcing that a dinner party costing thousands of pounds brings benefit to us all and not have to prove it. I also heard John Spellman pointing out the wonders of the IOM financial compensation scheme for our investors should a bank go to the cleaners. He described it in a typical Government method, assuming we are all thick, so to make it easier for us to understand the scheme, apparently savers in the IOM will receive 75 per cent of £20,000. John, that is £15,000 mate, it’s also 50 percent of £30,000. In other words we get less than half of what the UK pay’s out. Theirs presently stands at £35,000 and is expected to rise to £50,000 next year. Just to add insult to injury, we have the most pathetic response you could imagine from our treasury when they were asked as to why our compensation scheme is lower than the UK’S. They said, because we have so many investors with very large deposits, the amount we would pay is not really relevant or words to that effect. Well there you have it my friends. Its official, the IOM Government holds ordinary Manx savers with contempt.


Well this blog has turned into a bit of a rant. I am sorry to you off Island folk who might not be familiar with what I am talking about. However, many of you have emailed me to say how much you enjoy the political rants from time to time.


All being well, I shall be back on Monday folks, this is Tom Glassey, on the banks of the Silverburn River.

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Tsk Tsk,really Tom. Remember how the soup kitchens of yesteryear helped to feed the poor and needy on the island?

Well just think of this Mansion House free for all as the islands' gesture towards helping all those poor needy investors and financial wizards who are suffering in the light of the collapse of so many banks and things.

Some of those poor needy souls might have to get their suits out of pawn having lost the shirts on their backs, and will probably be really glad of a free meal. They will probably be so gratefull that they will all come and live here when they have restored their fortunes. And it will all be thanks to Tony Brown. ;)

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