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Saturday February 21st

Well hi there folks and welcome to a good old beef from me after a weeks silence. Today it’s the airport that is doing my head in. Well not just the airport, I guess I could say general security on the Island. Our Government has followed a policy over the last 20 years or so, that appears to be based on what everyone from outside the Island appears to know what is best for us. So, we have imported boat loads of civil servants from the UK and given them out top jobs so that they can and are free



Sunday February 15th

Well yesterday was Valentine’s Day. Barbara and I have never gone in for these so-called special days. It seems to me that just about every day in the calendar is dedicated to someone, something or some event. They are nothing more than money making rackets though as far as I am concerned. Barbara and I buy presents and pull surprises whenever we feel so inclined. These days, every day I wake is a joy and usually full of surprises. Mind you, I did once have a rather special Valentines Day back i



Friday February 6th

Good morning folks. Well this has not been my best week. I have been so damn tired that I have hardly been able to do anything. Anyway today I am having a good day and soon I will be leaving for Port Erin. It is very cold today and at present the sun is shining however, it is also snowing, which proves our weather is very much like our government and tries to be all things to everyone but really hasn’t a flaming clue what to do next. With Christmas now well and truly astern of us, Easter is lyin



Friday 30th January

Okay folks, I’m back for at least once a week. Barbara has been giving me a severe ear bashing all morning regarding the blog. I have had to agree to write a blog once a week and it will probably be on Fridays. Yes I really do enjoy writing the blog and I have really missed it. But I really did need to get on with other things that I have neglected. The book is now taking shape and hopefully will be out later this year. I have also had to agree to certain changes to my Manxtails articles. There



Thursday January 22nd

Hello folks. Yes I am back again and so soon! Well no not really, I have come out of retirement to write a very special blog dedicated to a very special person. My Uncle Norman (Gregson) or Normie as he liked to be known, followed all my blogs. He didn’t have a computer, but he made sure each week that they were printed off for him by someone in an office. Norman sadly past away on Tuesday morning, he simply never recovered from a so-called ‘not to serious’ operation. I was extremely close to my



Thursday 15th January

Barbara has now started a blog to keep readers up to date with progress. To read it go to http://www.manxforums.com/forums/blog/barb...?showentry=834I I will be back some time soon.Tom Glassey on the banks of the Silverburn



Tuesday January 13th

Good morning people. Well I have not blogged for 8 days now. Last week was not my best week every. I will simply be glad now begin treatment again next week. I have decided that now though is the right time to bring the blog to an end for the time being. I will of course be back again but I don’t know when. It might be in a few months and it might be 12 months. Shortly I will hand over the wheel to Barbara.. I shall then fly home to the land I left 12 months ago. It has been one hell of a voyage



Monday January 5th

I have now tossed the sleeping pills I got from my doctor into the bin. I would rather put up with sleeplessness than have the side affects of those damn pills. The other night I was sitting in our front room being extremely miserable about life in general. I was getting wound up about the long wait before I can see a consultant. I figured my cancer was getting worse and would not improve until treatment started which is still sometime away. Barbara was watching telly next door and popped in to



Thursday January 1st 2009

Anyone who titles their blog by the date each day is hardly going to miss out on new years day.   I imagine that most of you by now will have broken your new year’s resolutions. I have still kept mine from a few years ago which was never to make anymore. I find myself beginning 2009 in exactly the same way as I did 2008. That is to take up my sword and engage in battle with cancer once again. This is quite definitely not the way I would have chosen to begin this year or any other year. But the



Tuesday December 30th

In the convent where I went to school in Liverpool, every Thursday evening we had to go to the school chapel and confess our sins to the priest. Mine would go something like this.   “Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been one week since my last confession. I have been disobedient and I have been cheeky. Last Sunday I took money out of the collection plate when it went around during mass, instead of putting a penny on it. Please forgive my sins?” I would then be sent to the back of the



Monday December 28th

Good day people. Well firstly I am generally feeling better about life in general these last couple of days. I am still having problems sleeping, so last night I took 3 of the sleeping pills which is the maximum allowed. They made no damn difference what-so-ever. I might as well have swallowed a tube of smarties, so I have chucked the damn things in the bin and tonight I shall return to the brandy bottle.   Blimey the other day we discovered a copy of my book on sale on Amazon for £35. They m



Saturday December 27th

Hello folks, well that’s Christmas out of the way for another year. I hope you all had a good one and that by now you have also rewrapped your unwanted Christmas presents to pass on next year. Don’t forget to write the name of the person who sent it to you on the box or you may end up returning it the person who sent it to you in the first place.   I have to say that this Christmas will not exactly go down in my memory book as the greatest ever. I have not coped too well with the news that my



Friday December 19th

I want to begin today by thanking all of you wonderful people around the world that have emailed me and sent text messages. They are a great comfort to me. I started this blog last February, since then over 20,000 people have logged on. Well in theory that could mean one person has logged on 20,000 times, or 20,000 people have logged on once. In that time we have shared the good and the bad times together. You have all been absolutely fantastic. The blog has really served me well through the dif



Thursday December 18th

I am not long back from the hospital. My news was not good I’m afraid. The doctor thinks cancer enjoyed my company so much last time that it has come back for another visit. I have to have a scan as soon as possible, then probably more chemo. After that, its anyone’s guess. Yes I am a bit down in the dumps today, but that will not last. I just need a day or so to sort my mind out, and try and come to terms with this damn cancer lark. As the days go by I will continue to blog when I feel up for i



Wednesday December 17th

There is something very strange happening in the wild. The other day I heard birds twittering at 5-40 a.m. Today there was bird song at 4 a.m. Why are the birds suddenly singing in the pitch dark? Answers on a postcard please!   At present I can hear the children playing in the school playground across the road. Their shrilled and excited voices rise up into the sky and blend in with the birds chatter. The sky is full of happy sounds. It seems hard to imagine that these young kids will one da



Tuesday December 16th

Well folks, I have just returned from the doctors. The doctor couldn’t tell me of course if my lump is malignant. She has referred me to the specialist whom I will see at Nobles on Thursday at 12o’clock.   Well it’s presently Monday afternoon so that’s not too long to wait. I shall now crack on with life and presume it is not cancer, and I shall remain in that frame of mind until such times as a consultant tells me it is, which of course may not be very long. Life is very much like a game of s



Sunday December 14th

My weekend has turned in to a bleak one. On Saturday I discovered a lump in my arm pit. The lump is solid and of course it could be anything. None-the-less Monday I begin the week with a visit to the doctors, and no doubt be sent for x-rays and all those cancer tests to begin again. It was this time last year I was starting to think that I probably had lung cancer and Christmas was not exactly much fun. I wasn’t expecting it to happen again this Christmas. The only difference this time is that I



Friday December 12th

I wonder how many of you will actually get what you really want for Christmas from friends and relatives. How many pairs of socks and hankie sets we all end up with. I have never actually met anyone who has asked for a pair of socks for Christmas. I have nipped in to David Collisters off licence in Castletown and told him not to serve anyone with cheap brandy if they come into his shop trying to buy me a Christmas present. I have told David, if they are not buying a bottle of Cognac then tell th



Thursday December 11th

Sorry folks! I have just been listening to the radio and you know what that usually means? Yes there is a rant coming up. Apparently a school bus in America was evacuated and fumigated just because a peanut had been discovered on the bus. It seems 150 people die each year in the US through allergies, 100 people are struck by lightening, 1550 are killed by bee stings and 10,000 people die in sports accidents. The US must be the only country in the world where folks might have a guilty conscience



Wednesday December 10th

Blimey, it has taken me 24 hours to calm down after my experience yesterday. Barbara had an appointment at the breast screening clinic. We set off armed with our letter, only to find on our arrival at Nobles we were at the wrong hospital. The breast screening clinic is at the old Nobles hospital. Well sure enough it does give the address on the letter, but frankly when you see Nobles at the top of the letter, you assume it means the new hospital. What is the point in spending millions on a new h



Tuesday December 9th

I hear on the radio this morning that a group of protesters have managed to get onto the runway at Stansted Airport and delay all the flights. I find it beyond belief that in these troubled times where you can't even smuggle a tube of tooth paste onto an aircraft, that somehow 54 protesters can get onto the main runway and erect a steel barrier across the runway. Does that simply confirm that airport security is, and always has been nothing more than a complete joke?   I also note that a bunc



Monday December 8th

I guess people are starting to think about New Year’s resolutions. I used to make them but no more. I only ever kept one of them, and that was, never to make any more. I suppose most smokers will want to try and kick the habit, although I actually met someone the other day who told me he was going to start smoking on New Year’s Eve. Well, I suppose there’s one born every day. Talking of smoking, I heard on the radio that a bunch of medical scientists have discovered that smoking does more harm t



Friday December 5th

Once again I’m here in a freezing office hoping an oil tanker will turn up this morning. Actually as I write the tanker has turned up, however the system still isn’t working because we now need to wait for the plumber to arrive to bleed the tank. I woke up this morning at 3am, and of course I have been awake since. I did have to very strange dreams though. In the first one I was on a plane flying to Liverpool, only not as a passenger, I was the pilot! During the flight one of the passengers aske



Thursday December 4th

Its not just football and horse racing that are affected by the weather. Other pastimes such as blogging are affected also. I have not blogged for the last couple of days because at present we have no heating. It has simply been too cold to sit in the office for very long. We still have no heating. We misread the gauge on the oil tank and allowed it to run out. Well Barbara didn’t realise there was a little switch on the bottom that stops the level falling! This morning I was going to stay in be



Tuesday December 2nd

As I sit in this office this morning, I am counting my blessings. This time last year I had not started the blog. I knew I was very ill and that my situation was worse than the doctors were indicating. Things just went from bad to worse from then on. By January I had the scans and the proof that cancer was now infesting my lungs. I didn’t really need my doctor to tell me that there was probably not a lot that could be done for me. I began my ordeal by sitting around feeling sorry for myself with



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