Tuesday January 13th
Good morning people. Well I have not blogged for 8 days now. Last week was not my best week every. I will simply be glad now begin treatment again next week. I have decided that now though is the right time to bring the blog to an end for the time being. I will of course be back again but I don’t know when. It might be in a few months and it might be 12 months. Shortly I will hand over the wheel to Barbara.. I shall then fly home to the land I left 12 months ago. It has been one hell of a voyage. I have put our ship on the rocks twice. I am of course hopeful that the ocean tug SS Chemotherapy will pull the ship clear again next week. Whilst I have been writing this blog I have made new friends from every corner of the globe. Every one of you has been absolutely fantastic in coming with me every step of the way. I will of course continue to write for Manx Tails. However, I really need the time to concentrate on my second book, “On the Rocks.” One of my problems is that I get an ache just behind my right shoulder which kicks in after I have written a few lines. I don’t know what the cause is, and it will have to wait now until this chemo session is over before I can deal with it. Of course all of you that have been emailing me can continue still to do so but I suggest that you email me directly at tomglassey@manx.net
Well my watch is now at an end. 8 bells have just sounded and it is now time to handover the wheel to a fresh pair of hands. So good people this is Captain Tom Glassey saying thank you and over and out from the SS Silverburn.
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