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A Rainbow



There is a bright rainbow arcing in the sky outside my window. Its colours touch the green farmland my office looks out onto. When I first saw it I stopped work and stood staring out for a few moments, smiling at its beauty.


‘Always look for beauty’ has been one of my guiding phrases recently – listen to bird song, enjoy a fleeting glimpse of the sunset while on the commute, feel a sense of awe watching the crescent moon set with Venus and Jupiter shining bright next to it.


I always try and catch these moments and use them to give me some peace during stressful times.


Life can be tough and unremitting at times, and then we just have to be grateful for the small mercies that the world can give us. I find that it is very important to just pause when I feel a touch of happiness and acknowledge that fact – while having a chat with friends, while giving the little ones a hug good night, while listening to some music and tapping feet to the rhythm. These small things lessen the stress and give a feeling that life is worthwhile.


So evening walks and the sound of the waves and the pleasure of reading a well turned piece of prose and most especially the beauty nature gives all provide small specks of happiness to punctuate life. A reminder that even on the darkest night the wonders of the universe are to be seen as long as we remember to lift our heads.


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