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Chinahand last won the day on April 12 2020

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    IOM, but then again ... could be China

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  1. Any idea who the Marsh Family is?
  2. Choices matter. Whether you are Biden or a woman deciding she doesn't want to continue a pregnancy.
  3. I do enjoy a nice coincidence. I've been thinking of reading John Gray's books on Liberalism and Athiesm and wonder if my Amazon browsing has been linked via various hidden cookies to my YouTube feed as this video was recommended to me: It's an excellent discussion between John Gray and Frank Fukuyama on Liberalism and it mentions Karen Stenner who was the subject of the BBC piece above publicising her fascinating work on personalities which accept authoritarianism. Neither Gray nor Fukuyama have any truck with either the Ctrl Left or the Alt Right, but Gray I think says something important when raising that there isn't one best way to have a society. There can be times when people want tolerance, there can be times when people want social stability and these and other choices can balance in multiple ways. ... and this too shall pass.
  4. No doubt he kicked him. Did he stamp on his head? He stamped very close to it, but it isn't clear to me he stamped on it. Something is also happening with the taser lines. Even with video it often isn't exactly clear what is going on. Another question: does the police woman fire her taser at the guy filming the incident?
  5. Odd ... I was taught as Roger was. 45 odd years ago at King Bills. Gawd that makes me feel old! I'm pretty certain Mr Hoy wouldn't have thought it American style. Learn something new every day.
  6. Colin Powell too. It is a recognised sociological issue that immigrants of African heritage are doing better than Americans of African heritage. Though Condoleezza Rice is an exception.
  7. Just Stop Oil are one of a few organisations which if they immediately achieved their political goals a billion people could die.
  8. I'm going to guess that Antoinette Copas is a robot. With no understanding of Random Stuff and a ChatGPTesque way of padding language which lands right in the middle of the uncanny valley. Wonder if it will play and how long before it posts links to some strange part of the internet!
  9. HeliX, you are posting claims that Trump is a paedophile??
  10. And who created that environment? This isn't the time for finger pointing. It is a time to understand people's commonalities dwarf their differences and democratic constitution means exist to allow policy making which can change and adjust over political cycles. Violence is not going to achieve this and will simply increase reactionary and tribal behaviours. Political violence within a constitutional democracy is wrong. Full stop. No ifs buts or finger pointing. Let emotions calm, look to your own behaviour and how you can contribute to creating a better political environment. Don't enable or justify those who seek to use violence.
  11. The attempted assassination of Trump is a heinous crime. The whole point of constitutional democratic politics is that policy changes cannot be too radical because of checks and balances and can be reversed by future administrations if that is the democratic will. Political violence destroys the trust that the system requires. American is too tribal and is losing the ability to trust across the political aisle. Political violence will only further diminish it. It is incredibly sad this is the state the US has come to. Everyone who hopes for constitutional democratic governance should condemn what has happened and dial down the polarising tribal violent political rhetoric.
  12. And which is more expensive in blood and treasure an occupation fighting an insurgency or conventional warfare? Putin's options are to climb down and retreat or the huge cost of continuing warfare or if he breaks through an on going insurgency. Sinking into a swamp of occupation and insurgency is Putin's cheap option. His current conventional war is far more expensive.
  13. Could Afghanistan overcome the Soviet Union? and then the US? Could Vietnam overcome the USA? Could Iraq overcome the USA? Many a larger power has wasted its blood and treasure and retreated. What makes things so different this time?
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