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Gladys last won the day on January 4

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  1. It depends what those 408 jobs are. If they are nurses, HCAs, doctors etc. is that a bad thing?
  2. Menzies may have nothing more than a lease or user agreement with exclusivity terms with the airport. You would think that whatever agreement was in place between Menzies and the airport they could impose some minimum service levels, but as Menzies contract with the airlines for the provision of the services, it may not. At one time the baggage handlers were employed by the airport, I think, and there was quite a stink about their pay, then.
  3. Yes, can see that but who has the SLA? Gary Cobb on MR once said that all the airport is responsible for is ATC and car parking.
  4. Thought it was the airlines that contract with Menzies for ground handling services?
  5. Pity the elite haven't joined.
  6. I was told that this is the reason so many field gateposts are made of stone.
  7. Cobb.
  8. No, it's evidence of demand which could exist year round but as I said it is a chicken and egg thing. Of course Xmas is busy, but if the parking was easier it may stimulate more visitors to Strand Street, especially during the working week. Don't know the figures, but my guess is that car ownership has increased significantly since the 80s, so why reduce parking? Also, it is not a justification to say that people are lazy. People do what is convenient to them.
  9. If parking is not an issue, why do they allow parking on the prom walkway for Xmas? A bit of a chicken and egg situation, I grant you, but it may be that easier parking would help all year round. Some of the car parks you mention have quite a bit of contract parking so are not fully available to non-contract users.
  10. Gladys

    Firm closing

    Why would they?
  11. Gladys

    Firm closing

    And with colours!
  12. Gladys

    Firm closing

    Whatever happened to whelks? You definitely got your money's worth.
  13. Gladys

    Firm closing

    There is a difference between pedantry and accuracy.
  14. To add, nothing personal against those in those dubious positions, they didn't create them themselves, but those who are failing to get a grip.
  15. It would appear not. It would be useful to understand which parts of government are covered in this negotiation. Have no problem with those who actually do things getting a rise, but less sanguine if it is across the board including those whose positions just perpetuate an increasingly untenable bureaucracy.
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