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Moghrey Mie

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Moghrey Mie last won the day on April 10

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  1. Ideal Nobody will be sitting in the airport for long ( hopefully)
  2. I expect they will waste money on Manx tartan upholstery and/or Three Legs of Man designs. Both un-necessary. We just need some decent seating.
  3. Pricing review going to Tynwald on December 10th https://www.tynwald.org.im/spfile?file=/business/opqp/sittings/20212026/2024-GD-0123.pdf
  4. For goodness sake! Don't tell our politicians to use logic and clear policies. They'll be out of jobs. Everything must take yeeeeeears and be complicated because 'things are different on the Isle of Man'.
  5. https://www.furniture-work.co.uk/reception-furniture/modular-seating
  6. I don't trust any company that has 'solutions' in its title or strap line.
  7. Heard their advert on Manx Radio
  8. Apparently they don't keep track of people who come out of prison. 'However, where offenders are serving sentences of 12 months or less, they are not required to be under licence conditions upon release. It would not be possible to capture this data as there is no requirement to provide contact details to the probation service.'
  9. Update on poverty https://www.tynwald.org.im/spfile?file=/business/opqp/sittings/20212026/2024-GD-0125.pdf
  10. https://www.tynwald.org.im/spfile?file=/business/opqp/opqp/2024-PP-0152.pdf
  11. Moghrey Mie


    I thought Cannan was going to sort out DHSC and Manx Care's budget. But he only lasted a couple of weeks before handing over to Claire Christian (who voted no confidence in him a couple of weeks before).
  12. They've started producing news bulletins with information for charities. That has filled a previous black hole where the Attorney General's Office is concerned. https://www.gov.im/media/1385735/q3-bulletin-final.pdf
  13. They've had Rent a Room for several years in England. The first £7,500 you receive in rent is TAX FREE. No incentives like that over here. https://www.gov.uk/rent-room-in-your-home/the-rent-a-room-scheme
  14. I think they are only planning it for the Government owned (DLGE) houses not all local authorities.
  15. Skelly's wife sells them souvenirs of the Isle of Man.
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