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Amadeus last won the day on August 16

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About Amadeus

  • Birthday 08/26/1977

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    Isle of Man
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    Councillor for Douglas South. All views my own.

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  1. Unfortunately it's the UN International Court of Justice
  2. Philippe is great. There's a new documentary on illegal gambling and match fixing on German TV that has just been released, which has him in it (and yours truly, although I do have more of a face for radio). He's one of the few investigative reporters our industry has and of which it needs more. https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/Y3JpZDovL3Nwb3J0c2NoYXUuZGUvNzdjNzJkMGMtNWM2NS00Njk5LWEyMWQtNDBkNDZkYWRmZjIy/
  3. Lower leccy cost is the only reason this could be even remotely considered and if that’s not happening then this needs to be shut down fast.
  4. In council chamber until 7pm. Insane idea to put wind turbines on the island and I bet you £100 it will go over budget, not result in lower leccy prices and give a nasty surprise long term.
  5. An absolute WTF moment. https://www.unodc.org/roseap/uploads/documents/Publications/2024/TOC_Convergence_Report_2024.pdf
  6. I was referring to this set of pictures that simply doesn’t look right and has been widely questioned. There is no doubt that Israel aren’t saints and that bad things happen in war. Things that the people who are responsible should be held to account for. I still rather believe Israel than the terrorists.
  7. Getting desperate now. You’re in a war zone where terrorists disguise themselves as civilians all the time. Of course you put control measures in place to ensure everyone’s safety.
  8. Are you seriously saying just a small terrorist command tunnel is ok? Have you actually seen any of the other footage and images of Hamas tunnels and hideouts being uncovered and destroyed? They deliberately place them near and under hospitals and civilian buildings to use them as human shields. Maybe you should be upset about that, or about the fact that building this terror infrastructure has used billions in stolen aid money that could have turned the country into a nice and peaceful place.
  9. Community notes are the best thing about Twitter. Maybe don’t take your news from a Pallywood “journalist”, although admittedly in a fucked up war like this it’s never easy to decide who to believe. Still, I rather believe Israel than Hamas terrorists. In this case, the video was well circulated elsewhere before and appears to show civilians coming out to be evacuated following the killing of Shinwar.
  10. is that the one with the clearly fake xrays showing pristine bullets in unharmed skulls, etc? That was so bad, I wonder how any thought this wouldn't be found out.
  11. Weird that they produce plenty of fake stuff then, including most of their statistics.
  12. Maybe Pallywood is getting better. Most of their fake videos were pretty abysmal so far.
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