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  1. The ever-so-reliable Manx rumour mill - which is of course never wrong - suggests it's the ship's cook.
  2. But what's the sketch with Island-based IOMSPCo staff? Do they also isolate away from the rest of their family? I suspect not.
  3. KWC reduced the autumn half-term from two weeks to one, to allow another week to be tagged-on to the Christmas break - thus allowing boarders to have two weeks at home and then two weeks in isolation on their return. They were tested on their return - which identified a single case - and then have tested again recently. There are apparently members of staff isolating/living with them. It seems that they are therefore obeying all the rules and being cautious/sensible - which is why this cluster shouldn't represent a risk to anyone else. Micky
  4. We don't have to look too far from these shores to see the result of procrastinating, dithering, faffing and generally hoping for the best. It seems the choice we have is (potentially) too much too soon versus (potentially) too little too late. If nobody's really sure what the true position is, then I think we should be cautious (even if inconvenient) while we work it out. Difficult decisions for our esteemed leaders to make - but hey, them's the breaks!
  5. It's the third Sunday tomorrow - so the monthly meeting at the motor museum as Jurby. Forecast looks good too! Micky
  6. What Landy thing?
  7. I went for a look around last Sunday and the guy said that it was on - but who knows for sure! Given that this Sunday looks reasonable weather-wise I'll probably go for a run out anyway and may call in for breakfast. They could definitely make more of it by making an effort in terms of publicity - clearly not a strong point of theirs. Micky
  8. The next meet up at the motor museum is this Sunday. It even looks like it may be a reasonable morning in terms of weather so fingers-crossed! Micky
  9. Yes despite the weather it was worth it. Mine was the F430 - and I was the one who nearly died trying to crank that jet engine. An enjoyable Sunday morning - glad I dragged myself out of bed for once. Micky
  10. The forecast is looking cr*p so it's a long-shot. It's a red one which isn't used to our tropical climate! Micky
  11. In case anyone is interested, the monthly 'interesting vehicle' meet at the motor museum is this coming Sunday at 10am. Apparently, irrespective of how it's publicized, it's aimed at all enthusiasts not just classics - and not just those who own such a vehicle. Subject to the weather (and that is a big caveat!) and the car agreeing start, I'm planning on going up for a nosey and a coffee - it would be good to see some other MF petrol heads there. Micky
  12. My personal interest is from the 80s onwards, sports cars and supercars - but it's more about meeting a like-minded social group than any particular era of vehicles. I've recently bought a Sunday toy and it would be good to use it and meet with others rather than just drive around in circles or watch it sit lonely in the garage. Thanks for the suggestion regarding the museum. Looks like it's the third Sunday each month - so I'll go along in November and see who and what turns-up. Micky
  13. Junior dogging? Ha - got your attention :-)
  14. Hi Does anyone know of a local social club for car or bike enthusiasts? There's plenty of online banter - but I was thinking of groups which meet for a run out for breakfast on Sundays, pup nights etc. Google turns-up a few competition-oriented clubs, and a club for classic cars (60s or earlier) - but I can't find anything for enthusiasts interested in modern and sports cars. Any ideas? Micky
  15. It is a bad road when ice/snow conditions are in play. It makes sense to avoid it when these conditions are occurring, as there are sections unless your on the right rubber, you wont have control of the car, regardless of how good a driver you are. If i was using the Mountain Road to commute, then i would certainly have a spare set of rims with winter/snow tyres on, the difference is like the Formula 1 cars trying to use slicks in the rain. It is totally amazing the significant increase in traction that you have when you have winter/snow tyres on, even over ice patches. In European Countries where there roads that are dangerous when snow or ice is present, then by Law you can only travel on these roads with winter/snow tyres on. As there are at lease two other significantly safer routes available to motorists, then why take the risk of accident/personal injury to yourself or a third party. Agree 100% Since they do not look so different it's easy to underestimate the difference winter tyres make. For the past few years I've been using them from about November to April - even without snow and ice there are benefits when the temperature is less than about 7-8deg. This is quite an interesting comparison: Micky
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