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Johnny F

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About Johnny F

  • Birthday 07/13/1966

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  1. Magson gets a well deserved beating in this report, someone should send it to her current employer.
  2. Comments on IOMtoday seem to have been removed Courtenay needs professional help before his behaviour ends in tragedy for others or indeed him. Can people still be "sectioned"?
  3. Do any tech savvy members of the forum know if they used some kind of speech to text recording machine on the interviews, a lot of Ashfords interview is almost unintelligible?
  4. Brunner covid review due out tomorrow......cost £1.56M
  5. All of the Airport Firefighters.......
  6. Tesco might have a monopoly on empty shelves soon.....
  7. The frontline workers all want decentralised OHR, the Business partners in OHR want decentralised OHR but the senior team want to carry on with the broken and not working Centralised system !!! For the senior team to be actually still advocating this old broken system is surely the main problem with OHR. They need some re-training or clearing out. We heard two opposing schools of thought on how OHR should be structured: In the main, HRBPs advocated a decentralised model with full service HR teams embedded in Departments providing a joined up service directly to the customer at point of need. Conversely, the majority of the senior HR team suggested that the current centralised model is the right one for the organisation citing the benefits of increased consistency and cost efficiency. They recognised however that the model is not working well at the moment,
  8. I doff my cap to you Mr Wright for having the patience to take the time to carefully respond to and demolish Ricardo's statements. However you and I both know that it won't end here, he, along with countless others will be back on blethering gibberish and faux science. It's this constant ranting by lunatics which keep me off this forum. I love some of the debates and chats that the intelligent posters have on here but the conspiracy theorists simply boil my p**s
  9. DR? Heywood is a marine biologist, a fish DR ! Nothing to do with Biomed or genetics
  10. I highly recommend everyone to listen to Perspective on Manx Radio podcasts. Until tonight I use to think Alf was pretty good but after listening to him my opinion has totally changed. During questioning by Paul Moulton he ignored, bluffed, blustered, distracted, and avoided the difficult questions and in my opinion he flat out lied. What a complete twat. More power to your elbow PM, don't let the bastards grind you down.
  11. I worked offshore in the oil and gas industry for 15 years, the last few spent actually drilling gas wells in Sharja UAE, in a joint venture between the Sharjan (government) and BP. In an area already known for its vast reserves of gas we struggled and the budget for three wells was spent on the first well ! This is the sort of thing that can happen whilst drilling "wildcat" wells. The potential to rapidly lose money speculating is extremely high. The most important thing the Manx government could do in this situation with Crogga is to insist they always have enough money in reserve to pay for the clean up operation if it all goes tits up, otherwise the Manx taxpayer will have to foot the potentially enormous bill. The gold standard in modern times is a 3D seismic survey, this is not 1x better than a 2D survey it is light years ahead and costs a fortune. A 3D survey is not essential but not having one shows you are either supremely confident about what's down there OR you have another reason, I suspect that Crogga can't afford it. If Crogga can't get enough money together to do a 3D survey then I severely doubt they will have enough money in reserve to pay for a clean up if the well turns out to be a duster! It looks like a cheapskate amateur operation to me. But what do I know. Oh and while I'm ranting lets not forget the potential for some kind of catastrophic disaster off our coast, Piper Alpha, and Deepwater Horizon happened just before and during my time offshore.
  12. A week ago I didn't know anyone with covid, today I know 10 people. Manx Care dropping mask wearing is a shockingly ignorant decision, regardless of the efficacy of mask wearing it just shows they are still blindly following the other Island ffs.
  13. They have proved that you can pump shit uphill though haven't they ? The original plan was that all the islands sewage would go to Meary Veg, however as soon as Douglas and the rest of the south was connected up it became obvious that the amount of dung they would be dealing with was far greater than anticipated and parts of the treatment process were instantly working at more than full capacity.
  14. Johnny F

    TT 2022 ??

    I respect and agree with the mods actions regarding this thread, I have been an on off visitor to this forum for years and it is the ignorant ranting, typified in this thread, that drives me away from MF. There are a lot of intelligent and humorous contributors on here but there are a few absolute lunatics who spoil it. If people find themselves gnashing their teeth and posting every five minutes, I implore them to step away from the keyboard.
  15. You do realise that every island resident south of and including Onchan sends their sewage elsewhere at, someone else's cost, don't you?
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