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ian rush

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About ian rush

  • Birthday June 18

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  1. I left Government to set up on my own and I’m working less for more money (appreciating there’s no pension or sick pay etc) and not losing scores of excess flexi carry over a year. Not every Government employee will be in my position but one thing I don’t miss is being a football and the constant sniping and stereotyping.
  2. Good idea if you ask me. Most who would’ve been arsed voting go anyway, so realizing you can potentially expand your market or potentially make a change that doesn’t piss too many people off might have swung the decision. In other words, it may not have been a simple yes/no survey.
  3. ian rush


    It’s alright, someone on here has an underwater black and decker hammer drill and a big hose pipe which reaches to battery pier
  4. Isn’t at-mail a uk platform?
  5. Agrea
  6. ian rush


    Not often I agree with CR - who has a dog in the fight - but any decent operator will want certainty, stability and a known pathway. There’s loads of instances where UK provisions are extended (Vat, sanctions, nuclear installations etc) and it’s no big threat to sovereignty to apply tried and tested UK Regs to the IOM territorial sea. IoM could choose to do that as a quick fix - which is not the same as uk imposing it - but policy direction seems to be towards having its own bespoke regime(s). Primary Act MIMA was a good idea but Regs could and should have been adopted from elsewhere.
  7. ian rush


    The Tribunal shows they havent got a pot to piss in if staff and suppliers are being asked to defer. No wonder they want to avoid 3D.
  8. Armed police helicopter interceptor bastard squad, ready to nuke a street because someone’s pissed and shouting at things.
  9. MDC are like the worst kids in the government sweetshop. That site is the tip of the wedge shape of Douglas central bit, so anyone trying to access it, has to pass right through town. It’ll be chaos down there at the best of times if everything gets built, never mind when the ferry unloads. And the lift bridge is close to end of life), so that’ll have to be replaced soon.
  10. For all those singing the praises of how shit Government/ the state is, please do enjoy this outfit getting sold off to the highest bidder to see if the can squeeze a bit more out of the punters. It'll keep getting sold until the last PE buyer goes tits up just like the Packet with Macquarie and Bank of the Holy Spirit. Entry to market costs are massive and no space for a third big competitor.
  11. If planning and the Area Plan was down to the home owning locals who live in decent houses nearby, nothing would ever get built ever. That’s what democracy is presented as in these situations.
  12. It’s him I feel for.
  13. The fact that there is this planning document I doesn’t mean the Tynwald Answer is wrong - it answers the question asked, but the question could have been better phrased eg to detail which officers had discussions and at what point with King…
  14. Interesting they should say no other Government meetings took place in the last five years when DfE put this in support of the planning application…’King Gaming engaged with [DfE] in 2020 to share their plans…’ see final para on page 1 https://services.gov.im/planningapplication/services/planning/planningapplicationdetails.iom?ApplicationReferenceNumber=22%2F00549%2FB 2200549B CON Consultation 4 Department of Enterprise 08.07.2022pdf.pdf
  15. MUA gave evidence at the Area Plan for North and West inquiry about biofuel use at Peel and Douglas. I can’t recollect details but it’ll be in the Inspectors report as and when that lands, if it isn’t already in the MUA strategy documents.
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