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cissolt last won the day on October 27 2022

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  1. It seems to be similar to the Tory idea of national service, which as we know only appeals to a specific demographic who blame the youth for all of today's ills. Our probation service is already struggling, as is community service so we are outsourcing it to bill dale while still providing the same level of funding to our crumbling services.
  2. Oh he's thinking about maybe doing something after waiting more than 2 years? How many people actually wanted these climate targets? The green lobby froth at the mouth whenever it's suggested this nonsense is put to a referendum.
  3. DEFA are the worst culprits, buying special peat tractors...the salaries for carbon related roles must be well over £250,000+ And that's before we get on to the green grants for their mates, carbon literacy training....by a company with no links to government...and many others suckling at the green teat.
  4. Only took him 1,082 days since his first sitting to say something. Whatever happened to one lone voice won't change anything? The cynic in my senses that people have an eye on the next election
  5. The biosphere 2024 award winners have been announced. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/biosphere-awards-2024-celebrate-sustainability-champions/#:~:text=A special mention was given,in the world of agriculture. Earthscope, who are paid £1500 a month by DEFA, win a DEFA award. Perhaps the winner just shares a surname with a member of parliament so no need to declare an interest.
  6. Familiar behavior when you look back at the cases of Dr Ranson or Dr Glover. Public dismissal of any dissenting voices and then bullying those who raise the concerns.
  7. The original story mentioned that the alleged was tracking the woman via the tetra radio system. How would that work? I assumed tetra was just an encrypted radio?
  8. Or falling through the net. I have heard this so many times from mental health patients that I'm starting to wonder if they actually want people to die. The alternative is that the competency required to issue a prescription or appointment letter and show empathy are not required traits to work there.
  9. Probably worth adding a column indicating how much tax each country pays. Jersey allocation to health is 484 million or 8.4% of GDP. Budget aside, manxcare have had years to get the basics right and they can't. This is nothing to do with money, it's piss poor management and piss poor systems. Throwing money at an inefficient system won't improve it, as can be seen year on year. We can't even get appointment letters right, and that's with a 350 million budget.
  10. I wonder how much it cost to pay the last medical director to work in the UK for 3 years? Was the interim being paid the full medical director rate while she was acting up?
  11. The cruise ship industry seems to purely serve as a means to justify jobs in government and a meagre income for the island. If they keep banging on about reducing our carbon footprint, perhaps we should stop cruise ships coming. We can also get rid of the piss poor tourism department. They made a decision to count the crew in the figures who set foot on the island on their meeting minutes. Not like DfE to fudge the figures, how is the view count on the latest viral sensation video? How many of our 5.4 billion PR reach have viewed it?
  12. Oh how I mocked the conspiracy theorists when they suggested that digital IDs were going to be introduced for all residents. Time for e-habitant 2.0? We already have multiple unique identifiers, national insurance number and NHS number, pick one and use that. We don't need yet another bespoke government solution for a problem that doesn't exist.
  13. It does appear to be a scam. Is the aim to boost Alfs numbers without actually increasing the population? https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/isle-of-mans-population-grew-by-just-461-people-in-two-years-as-breakdown-revealed-711656
  14. Net figure for migration was about 350 last year
  15. cissolt

    Firm closing

    Thanks, I had heard there were redundancies in the works.
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