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cissolt last won the day on December 5 2024

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  1. The problem with the middle class greenists is that they have never had a manual job that requires carrying goods to site. They live in a utopia where all work is conducted from a coffee shop and not lugging industrial appliances down a pedestrianised street.
  2. Quite the de-escalation from a 6 man arrest team on landing to 'lets let HR deal with it' and at great cost to the tax payer.
  3. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/domestic-abuse-allegation-against-serving-pc-is-dropped/ How can you track someone with a police radio? "It had been alleged the 57-year-old had also used his police radio to track the woman’s movements." Also, why shouldn't this be dealt with in the 'criminal arena'? If a crime has been committed then the ONLY place to deal with it is in the criminal arena.
  4. Rob has cleared things up on Facebook. He voted against the proposal because he's busy and it's Christmas...or something. Will he go a full term without asking a question? He doesn't seem that shy when it comes to making blustery speeches so why is he so shy when it comes to asking questions?
  5. They park for free.....
  6. That's the area we seem to be struggling to recruit, what other key workers do think we need to import?
  7. To add, actual medical trained staff not more manxcare 100k+ a year SEOs.
  8. They should be reserved for health and health alone in my view.
  9. That's not a key worker though as that applies to loads of roles. https://gef.im/news/politics/gef-looks-at-the-key-worker-housing-scheme-26125/ With mdc acting as landlord, and the apartments potentially running at a loss, who foots the bill?
  10. From the keys today: MDC will be the landlord - do they have the staff for this? Who is paying them? The tax payer I assume? Priority will be given to incoming key workers.. Rent will be set at market rate by 3 estate agents. (Are they not conflicted here and will benefit indirectly by setting a high rent?) Rent won't factor in the actual costs of building the nurses home. Employers may/may not contribute to the rent, depending on circumstances.
  11. It's definitely a massive pain in the ass as a foot passenger compared to Liverpool. The 2am sailing is a huge problem if you are on foot
  12. Did we ever find out how this mistake was made when calculating our carbon emissions? https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/environment/recorded-carbon-emissions-fall-because-of-a-change-in-calculation-583942 The 2022-2027 climate change report uses the (incorrect) 2018 baseline for its carbon emissions figures.
  13. Wow. So we spent £59 million on Covid/manxcare with no accountability as to how it was spent and with nothing 'green' about it?
  14. https://www.netzero.im/people-list/ Just look them up on linkedin.
  15. My issue with the whole thing is that we have never been asked if we want our taxes spent on it. The climate change people are in it for themselves, look at the climate literacy training nonsense in government for example. Then we have the huge growth in government non-jobs like the peat restoration team and climate change team that consists of people with marketing degrees. Are people prepared to pay increased taxes? and if we don't have the wind, are they happy to pay 10x the normal price to import extra power? https://www.cleanenergywire.org/news/short-term-power-prices-spike-amid-new-dunkelflaute-germany-most-customers-unaffected
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