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cissolt last won the day on October 27 2022

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  1. And does the substation require upgrades for this? The mea have previously stated that the grid can't support any more renewables from home users.
  2. This does seem a part of the puzzle the the MEA are unwilling to talk about, id imagine it's all tied in with a new power station but that's a pull too bitter to swallow so we are creating the need for one first. Quite ambitious delivery targets, start work in Jan 2026 and finish September the same year. Current budget 36 million, this included building a landing stage in castletown, now this isn't required but the budget stays the same. It's already got that whiffy smell and we haven't started any work.
  3. Hmm so you don't believe any additional infrastructure is required? How is the voltage regulated? The power HAS to go back to the power station. But there's obviously a large cost associated with that which we are not being told about.
  4. How do you propose that the electricity is going to be managed and distributed?
  5. Does this mean they have abandoned the idea of using Zeppelins? Shame that was the only reason I'd have been behind this idea. Have they shown how they are getting the power from the turbines to the power station?
  6. Old Jo Cox has been very quiet since the explosion in Jersey.
  7. It has crossed my mind that the onus on the vat home survey and the many noises about budgets from government is derived from Westminster suggesting that our share is going to be reduced again.
  8. He didn't fall on his sword, he resisted resigning at every opportunity. He was minister during the Abbotswood saga, ignored the medical director during a pandemic and eventually was asked to resign by Alf. Let's not paint him as a man of honour. His arrogance contributed to the biggest ever whistleblower payout in Manx history. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/ashford-not-considering-position-following-ranson-decision/
  9. I assume it's not being live streamed? What with us being a digital isle and all that
  10. That's not true now is it? Look at peel today, little bit of sun and there were loads of young kids swimming in literal shit. Let's not forget, people reported actual shit and sanitary products washing up on the beach and the MUA LIED again and said it wasn't due to a sewage leak. https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/manx-utilities-says-peel-beach-waste-not-sewage/
  11. The situation is worse because they couldn't identify whose records they were as some of them were water damaged. Was there a digital copy? Or have we actually just lost someone's medical records forever? How many other staff have medical records at home? Who else has access to these records at the persons home?
  12. The old commissioner who calls Manx radio all the time mentioned it on the radio earlier in the week, might have been last week..
  13. The real madness hasn't started yet, once we start handing over 100 million from the reserves to favoured developers it's probably time to turn out the lights.
  14. I have an idea for a card, we will pay a former colleague 10s of thousands for an isle of man only gift card. Another friend at Capital international will buy £100,000 worth for their staff and we can call it a success. Yes, it may cost us north of £300,000 but we can bring it in house and create more civil servant roles! A foresee it having a long and prosperous future. We shall call it 'mannlove iom'. Should make it very easy to find on Google.
  15. Has anyone seen the comin response to the Kate Brunner report? I've tried looking on the Tynwald website but couldn't find it
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