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TheTeapot last won the day on July 21

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  1. No. I sort of think that the Balthane roundabout rebuild isn't anything to do with Dandara at all, that the DoI themselves are going to do it to link up with the new road.
  2. I'd buy food from a vegan place but not coffee, they'd put shit fake milk in it.
  3. Anyone in planning with even half a brain would have said "The roundabouts and bypass need to be complete before you can commence phase 3 of your development." Maybe even phase two.
  4. Here's more awesome scenes from space.
  5. Bigger/stronger is a difficult thing with storms. Like, Milton has already been stronger than Helene was but it is (currently) loads smaller. The tiny eye, or pinhole, is more typical of typhoons than hurricanes, even though they are both the same thing. No need for a cat 6, you can't get more catastrophic than catastrophic.
  6. It's more like a pacific typhoon than an atlantic hurricane. If it hasn't already it'll replace that eyewall, and expand its windfield. Some potential for it to go through two replacements.
  7. Mad really that they felt the need to exaggerate the already awful events of that day. Must be a reason. Its been a whole year, and the 'goodies' have lied and lied. First casualty of war is truth and all that.
  8. Should organise a Big Spring Clean Up for a sunny Sunday in March, and everyone should go, and then strike.
  9. It's a Category 5 major hurricane. Madness. Beaten all the models for how fast it has intensified, and how far the pressure has fallen. Incredible stuff.
  10. Helene was incredibly well forecast. They are having less success with Milton, which is going to cause all kinds of trouble for Florida this week.
  11. You just need to grow up Helix, then you'll see.
  12. TheTeapot


    I prefer the cheap stuff.
  13. TheTeapot


    Still not been in Hops, but you're all making me want to.
  14. They might get a better response if people didnt feel like they were being shat on.
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