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TheTeapot last won the day on November 14 2024

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About TheTeapot

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  1. edit - actually i can't be bothered. Jail should be mostly for violent people.
  2. In Settlers 2 on the Amiga you needed 1 forester for every two woodcutters. Problems arose quickly if you didn't do it.
  3. Did anyone read 'Stark' by Ben Elton (or watch the TV version of it)? Probably 25 years since I read it, very apt for todays situation.
  4. Ah, very good.
  5. The ancients came from Venus. They fucked up that planet big time, a few escaped to earth. The billionaire Mars plan is a repeat.
  6. Heard some mad stuff about that over the last few days, this story has a fair way to run yet.
  7. Hooray hooray it's over
  8. I have nothing positive to say here. Striking for 12.6% is fucking insane.
  9. There are definitely times when people can be strangely dangerously polite.
  10. More sin taxes for the plebs YEAH
  11. Quite funny the Just Stop Oil lot. They're always posh. I think this is why some people get so upset by them.
  12. You're obviously itching for a fight so no, fuck off.
  13. You're an idiot.
  14. Sigh. You're someone who'd benefit from a few sharp jabs. What are you trying to achieve here?
  15. Import some drugs = 20 years Punch your missus to death = 5
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