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ManxTaxPayer last won the day on December 28 2023

ManxTaxPayer had the most liked content!

About ManxTaxPayer

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  1. Those children sound pretty stupid to me.
  2. WTF isn't an anacronym.
  3. The warriors?
  4. Unusual perspective.
  5. The Isle of Man TT races are deeply saddened.
  6. Any chance of some medical MDMA and some medical charlie? And go on, while I'm at it I'll have some medical scaggy Es. And then I'll probably need a medical.
  7. It is very silly. But I don't feel shamed. And I'm local.
  8. It's another silly acronym which isn't even a thing.
  9. I'm going to give everyone else a chance first.
  10. I seem to be the only one listening.
  11. Omg, apparently there's been a medical emergency in the Nun Race. Thoughts and prayers for the Sisters.
  12. Or is he saying Casey's?
  13. One of them should really stop referring to Katey's.
  14. Who are the two commentators on MR right now?
  15. There's no better place for a funeral though, you miserable twat.
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