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Andy Onchan

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Andy Onchan last won the day on November 28 2024

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  1. And boat building.
  2. Yep. You only have to be at the airport when arrivals that should have turned up on time don't; when they're spaced out by only a matter of 20 mins the baggage gets unloaded and loaded pretty quickly.
  3. Sorry, but quite often you hear the flight deck saying they're waiting for confirmation of their arrival slot whilst sitting at the departure gate.
  4. A slot time of twenty minutes between arrivals is doable with the small amount of traffic that goes through IOM airport. It's fixable. It makes you wonder what all these highly remunerated people on the Airports Board get up to. Do they talk about such things at their meetings?? But seems no one wants to fix problems.
  5. You missed the point. Better planning would alleviate some if not all of the issues with baggage handling. It doesn't need additional money to solve what should be a relatively easy fix.
  6. But doesn't that level of CO2 that's released depend on the type of tree?
  7. And when that flora and fauna is also lost carbon levels rise.
  8. Why does more money always = a better service?
  9. Some if us have been banging on about this ultra-low employee pension contribution for some considerable time.
  10. Don't necessarily disagree, daisy. But not sure how you can achieve that unless you complain to the airlines. And of course it doesn't help with 2/3 aircraft all arriving at the same time or within 10 mins of each other. Better arrival slot arrangements would help but based on previous airport management efforts I doubt they're up to negotiating with the airlines.
  11. But they don't all die at the same time. Unless they get chopped down in great swathes over a relatively short period. I'm not saying that the increase in CO2 is solely down to the lack of trees but they will certainly be part of problem.
  12. How can you force them to do that when the contract for those services is with the airlines?
  13. Yawn.
  14. And there are significantly less of them compared to the hundreds of thousands of years ago. Of course if they weren't chopped down and used for stoking pizza ovens, we'd probably be a lot better off! 😉🤣
  15. I was told a good number of years ago that "less is more". But it looks like I've probably got that wrong! 😂
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