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Holte End

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  1. Yes, as it would have meaning and purpose, no fence sitting. It wouldn't be able to contradict itself in the same sentence, arithmetic would not be a challenge for it doing basic mathematics, the same for basic concepts of economics. The list is endless. We would be able to tell, without a doubt.
  2. I visited a friend last night at the hospital, all the outside lights were off, just like Rob Callister time as Health Minister.
  3. Since the appointment of the Auditor General, I can't see where a penny has been saved. Probably Juan Watterson next motion should be to appoint a Field Marshal Auditor, then they could completely Bankrupt the island.
  4. Sorry, my psychic powers are on the blink today.
  5. No, because ' not in the public interest to prosecute'. is used in every other jurisdiction in the UK. You should be please that the IOM Constabulary are accountable for their actions.
  6. Pensioners,Who did you think he was going to take it off.
  7. Surely, the conference is being held Mount Murry, so Mr Cannan and Mrs Lord-Brennan and other Minister won't have far to travel, as they will be staying at the hotel. Bed and Breakfast.
  8. Holte End


    So the police weren't watching the people of Castletown at all then.
  9. Are you sure, has he ever been to Goodison Park. he would just say that, in the Manx Arms. Last orders in Manx Arms is ten minutes , time enough for three to be put away.
  10. I thought it was Rob Callister, No conflict as I don't think he is a football fan, just like David Quirk.
  11. Didn't the President use his casting vote on a motion. @Roger Mexico will know.
  12. I have never understood why the Louis Group was never fully investigated and it all published, why some directors of the companies were struck off, then others not. The ICIJ database links all the people https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/. Have the rules and regulations changed for these type of businesses. I not in finance as you can tell.
  13. When he don't know how medical directors there are, or he just blatantly lied in Tynwald. It's time to resign or be fired.
  14. I don't think they do. At commissioner Quirks age wind is a terrible problem.
  15. You mean he copies and pastes Government Press Releases sometimes before the Government release them, Did he actually speak yesterday or was he too busy on facebook.
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