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Holte End

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  1. The way Cannan mind works he will only hear 'she's fit an't she', will wonder who he is to talk about, but when opens his iPad, he will realise it is about efficiencies, he won't give a toss.
  2. The only thing that I can't find is in the PSC report is the recommendation Rob Callister said were in this report. Unless he is mixing up requirements with recommendations, but even he isn't that stupid. https://www.tynwald.org.im/spfile?file=/business/opqp/sittings/20212026/2024-GD-0144.pdf
  3. So you think he was inciting radical hatred, do you think he knew what he was doing. People have been jailed in the UK for less. But the truth is I just don't like South Africans, I find them Boers.
  4. Hopefully, he will ban Devon Watson. http://www.douglas.gov.im/index.php/the-council/councillors/item/2572-mr-councillor-devon-watson Occupation : Community Organiser of presumably a Lynch Mob.
  5. I am beginning to think, Devon Watson is really not a woke as he portrays, and his really trying to incite ill feeling . These born again socialists have nothing in common with the socialist of the past. Just take Sir Keir Starmer, what would Sir Harold Wilson, Sir Michael Foot and Viscount Stansgate Anthony Wedgwood Benn think.
  6. The transmigration of mathematics to binary numbers from non binary and Ro-man numerals is now the norm.
  7. Like Government, Binary numbers are the way forward. 101111101011110000100000000 Liverpool landing stage, 101111101011110000100000000, The prom. Government spend 11100011010111111010100100110001101000000000000000. Even population number trying to be ascertained. 1011110110010010010010.
  8. I don't think he has been in Treasury, Cabinet Office or Education and his tenure in Home Affairs in the last administration was really odd, his departure was very rapid, he spent longer as a Minister.
  9. I think Callister was hand pick by Kate Lord-Cannan to be her successor. She must have faith in him to do a the job as badly as she did, she knows Ashford will.
  10. After further negotiations the unions have stated they will take 5%, Rob has made his last take or leave with everything offer of 15%.
  11. When someone whom has never worked in the system tells people whom have worked in the system, how the system works and they don't understand the system, yet they don't know who works in the system or where they work in the system, but are in charge of all the people who work in the system and have been appointed by someone whom has never worked in the system either, the system is doomed to failure. Both Edge and Thomas have worked in the system, where as Ashford, Callister and Lord - Cannan have never worked in the system.
  12. Holte End


    That's because they would need ten managers , five consultants, three agency people, a board of lay people, one member of staff. That's because nobody eats whelks, so unlike government they shut it down, but still kept the DfE funding.
  13. Well, if anyone thought that we the public wouldn't get the blame for the health crisis, it is your own fault for a poor service, lifestyle choices and growing old are the problem, next will be an introduction of prohibition on alcohol and smoking, and euthanasia on anyone over Fifty except elected officials of course. This would make a reduction of our carbon emmissions helping climate change targets. Win, win for government.
  14. Ms Edge: Thank you, Mr Speaker. The Minister did not actually advise as to who is paying for the commuting of the new CEO, and he has talked about a recharge arrangement. My big concern is for the people of the Island: are we failing the people of the Island by not having a CEO on the Island five days a week? The last CEO did not appear to be able to do the job on site five days a week. I am just wondering what is different with this particular role. The Speaker: The Minister to reply. The Minister: Mr Speaker, I have got to say, to make a statement like that and say we are failing the people of the Island, to be quite frank, personally, I find quite outrageous. We are very lucky in the individual that we have been able to get. We had a lot of high-calibre applications and Kathryn Magson is an absolutely outstanding candidate. To be perfectly honest, Mr Speaker, if you need a chief executive who needs to micromanage so much that they have got to be sat in one physical office going out and about, then there is something very fundamentally wrong. I think we are very lucky to have the candidate we have, Mr Speaker, and the very fact that her current employer is willing to do it as a secondment, I think speaks volumes for the calibre of candidate that we have got in the fact that they want her back once this secondment is over. You think David Ashford would learn by his mistakes, but he doesn't and thinks nothing is his fault, And I agree with him, I blame Howard Quayle and Alf Cannan for appointing the plonker. Also is Ms Edge clairvoyant.
  15. Rob Callister was a bit Woolley today because the real reason, he didn't want to miss Santa in the canteen .
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