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  1. Not only that, they get an additional live on board allowance included on top of their usual day rate. Which is unlike any other operator I have experienced.
  2. Would be hoping that was the case that is for sure!
  3. I obviously don't know the whole story but I would guess posting on FB isn't the correct method of reporting these things. I think DEFA needs to be told.
  4. Have you reported this? I would assume so based on the above post.
  5. Just to add to a few comments and something i should have posted at the start - all these items were posted Royal Mail Tracked 48.
  6. I was posting from Glasgow to the Isle of Man.
  7. As per title what is going on with the Post to the Isle of Man? In the last 4 weeks I have sent the following: 1 x Birthday Card - sent 12th March - delivered 22nd March. 3 x Pregnancy Announcement Cards - sent 06th March - 2 delivered 19th March and 1 delivered 29th March. 1 x Birthday Card - sent 25th March - delivered 05th April. Can anyone on the Island give me any insight to what is going on because it is ridiculous to try and post, so I can not imagine what is like for you locals trying to post and await deliveries!
  8. Sounds like a perfectly valid question considering the Island operates a Work Permit system for non-Manx residents to work on the Island. I recall the difficulties I had of having a girlfriend move to the Island with me and she struggled like hell to ever get work, she moved back across in the end and me too.
  9. Where, please go ahead and show where racism is right here in this thread. As a reminder here is the Oxford Dictionary definition. "the unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race; violent behaviour towards them"
  10. You would think so, and don't call me Shirley.
  11. Not at all surprising considering some of the training required and associated cost of said training. Packet pay very well, and the crew on perm/temp assignments are paid the exact same base day rate (although some crew have seniority pay etc.) Regardless of where their contract is issued.
  12. Aye, those hundreds of thousands of folk haven't changed a thing have they? A quick afternoon out, while looking like they are doing good but doing even less than the bare minimum. Pathetic lefty back patting circle jerks. Would recommend starting here if you actually want to help: https://www.unicef.org.uk/donate/children-in-gaza-crisis-appeal/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8vTygtz9ggMVXJRQBh3vvAUIEAAYASAAEgKbsvD_BwE or here https://www.islamic-relief.org.uk/giving/appeals/palestine/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8vTygtz9ggMVXJRQBh3vvAUIEAAYAyAAEgL2svD_BwE
  13. A remembrance ceremony...for something to remember... something that has already happened... blow me, i know hindsight is 20/20 but that's some mega prescription you'd need to go back in time and make a difference. You have managed to put 2 + 2 together and end up with a cat. Some reach you've gone for.
  14. How is this even caring about world events? Makes literally zero impact on the situation and it just being done so those who organise and attend can give themselves a pat on the back about how righteous and good they are. Perhaps they should try dipping their hands in their pockets and supporting charities trying to improve the situation on the ground, rather than doing literally the bare minimum.
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