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  1. If you want any critical analysis, a reference or two might help. Maybe RogerMexico can help you throw in a few footnotes (always impresses).
  2. There was a time when the old-timers was anyone over the age of 30.
  3. In the event of an Immaculate Conception Trust, can there be a single Ultimate Beneficiary Owner listed?
  4. Two-lane


    I checked the company website to look at things like the names of the directors. The website is down. That does not impress me.
  5. Some countries do not have property tax - they use income tax. The richest pay the most (unless they have a trust or the tax they pay is capped at a max. value). That system removes the need for all the additional cost of managing property taxes. Apart from that, just 3 weeks to respond for what looks like a fairly complex system.
  6. Lest we forget...
  7. The origin of this is when huge queues suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Reynolds went into a Tynwald meeting and said she had no idea what the problem was, but that she wanted £330,000 to fix the problem. The politicians replied "If you have no idea what the problem is, you had better have £670,000 - just in case". The scanners were part of the solution. The scanners were on display for a short time, but were not used because of software problems. At the location of the single scanner (which is redundant, because there must always be someone attending the scanner and that person could manage with the same hand-held scanners that are used elsewhere in the airport) you then turn left to the baggage scanners. On your right is an open area that Reynolds designed to handle the huge queues. There are a couple of scanners there, but are never used. As for the others, an FoI request might reveal their current resting place.
  8. This is a variable, modular, seating system. The seats are mounted on a horizontal aluminium beam. Just cut to length required. Small tables can be included. If these are mass produced, there will be a warehouse of spares somewhere. Easy to replace damaged seats. A system that "embodies the unique character of the Isle of Man" will be more expensive, with no spares available to replace damaged parts. But what do Liverpool airport managers know about airports? They only have four boarding card scanners at the entrance. Ronaldsway has 5 or 6 (although only one is in use and the others are probably in a skip).
  9. Two-lane

    Firm closing

    How come there is none of this on the 420 thread?
  10. Bloody hell. Not only does Flint read this forum page, he likes blue raincoats. But perhaps he forgot the first two lines: "They sentenced me to 20 years of boredom For trying to change the system from within" Twenty years as Ramsey Town Clerk, twenty years of Ramsey Commissioners telling him what's what.
  11. Really? You are old enough to remember Jennifer Warnes and Leonard Cohen? Those were the days.
  12. I do not think that anyone needs to concerned of the effect any comments here have on Flint. He does not seem to be of the frail, shrinking violet type. If I were to choose a new Town Clerk, someone who had worked as a Town Clerk would be preferable. There are many people in the business world who believe that no specialist knowledge is required for any managerial job - some people are just born leaders. That is not my view. Flint's views on certain subjects are on display here, particularly in the police-and-guns thread. Flint's views on that subject are some way off from mine. His views that the armed police are highly trained is in opposition to mine - given that I have seen the video of The Pulrose Incident. This is not Flint's first time in the high-pressure, cut-throat, world of Chief Officers and no ties - he worked for a while at the hospital.
  13. Tynwald voted for MHKs to pay for car parking.
  14. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1wxdzpzezwo "It was recently revealed the cost of the Manx Development Corporation's (MDC) overhaul of the site on Westmoreland Road in Douglas had increased from £8.9m in 2022 to £11.03m." "Treasury Minister Alex Allinson recently confirmed the cost increases to the project in a Tynwald written answer."
  15. The job is Town Clerk. Somewhere along the way the job title changed to be "Town Clerk - Chief Executive Officer". All that matters is what is in the job description. This is because some people are vain and require an impressive job title. In the business world in recent years, it has become essential to have a job title in the form CxO. This is just a fad, a fashion (along with the lack of a tie). The job has not changed. (Did you know that the BBC now has a CCO - Chief Content Officer - how did they manage before?)
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